Possum's Independence:

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Crash got up and barely managed to dust himself off as Eddie ran to him and engulfed him into a bear hug, nearly barreling him down into the dirt again.

The blue eyed possum tightened his grip on his crying brother. "I'm okay". It wasn't really a lie this time since he was safely reunited with his family.

Once the twins parted, Crash turned towards Gertie and Roger, the former of the two having saved his life.

"You really gotta stop saving me all the time!". Crash remarked, trying to laugh at the horrible circumstances.

Roger just smiled as he wrapped his wings around his possum friend in a tight hug, with Gertie joining in a few seconds later.

"Can I get some of that?". Came Buck's small voice off to the side.

Crash wriggled away from the Dino - bird siblings and wrapped himself in a tight hug with the one eyed weasel. "Buck!".

Buck wiped his remaining eye as they parted and said in a watery voice, "I can't believe you and Eddie did all of that!".

Eddie put an arm around his twin's shoulder. "It was all Crash's idea! I was just there for the ride".

Zee giggled. "You did manage to free us both, that took guts".

Crash smiled at his friend. "That's what you do in a herd".

"I hate to panic anyone but what do we do about those guys?". Gertie suddenly asked, glancing at the raptors now fixated on the herd.

Eddie stepped forward and flicked a claw against a piece of lava rock, effectively sparking a small flame.

The raptors immediately became transfixed with the glowing flame while Eddie threw the rock into the direction that Orson had been.

"Go get your chew toy!". Eddie commanded the raptors, and all of them did so, tumbling off the ledges around the falls in their haste to get to the flame.

"You think Orson is still down there?". Crash asked cautiously, peering over the edge of the lava pit.

Buck shrugged. "If he is then his raptors will probably finish him off".

The possums shuddered as Zee spoke up. "Alright boys, let's get you back home!".

Crash and Eddie exchanged nervous glances, something that Buck picked up on right away. "What's wrong?".

Eddie scuffed a foot in the dirt before speaking quietly. "Crash and I kinda like it here and -".

"You're thinking about staying?". Buck cut off, his tone was cautious but his eye gleamed with barely hidden excitement.

"Well, kinda". Crash finished off nervously.

"If that's what you guys want then you have my blessing, but we should say goodbye to the herd first". Buck said with a small grin.

"Totally!". The twins exclaimed together as they all started to walk away from the falls and back towards the Lagoon.

Two days later the Lost World group made it back to their original starting point where there was a surprise waiting for them.

"Ellie!". the possum twins shouted, running towards the mammoth and allowing her to lift them up with her trunk.

Ellie laughed as her brother's hugged her trunk tightly and she placed them back on the ground. "Where have you two been?".

"We were messing around near this frozen spot in the valley and the ice broke open". Eddie began with a wince.

"And bingo bango in the Congo we ended up here!". Crash finished off just as sheepishly.

"What happened?". Ellie asked sternly, now taking notice of Crash's scarred eye.

"Buck needed help defeating this evil Dino named Orson -". Eddie rambled quickly.

"But he got caught and needed us to help him out -". Crash cut in with a panicky tone.

Buck stepped forward. "It's my fault Ellie, I was trying to keep them safe but I messed up pretty badly".

Zee laid a paw on Buck's shoulder and looked up at Ellie. "Please don't be too mad at them, they did kick some serious dinosaur butt".

"That's Zee, she's Buck's friend". Crash introduced lightly.

Ellie smiled kindly. "I'm Ellie, Crash and Eddie's -".

"Their sister, your brother just wanted to make you proud is all". Zee replied gently, nodding in Crash's direction.

"Is that true?". Ellie asked as Crash looked down and nodded in embarrassment.

"What makes you think I'm not proud of you, or proud of our brother for that matter?". Ellie asked.

Crash shrugged. "I've heard Diego say we would never survive on our own".

"So you tried to prove him wrong". Ellie finished off, not really in question but more of a statement.

"Yeah I guess". Crash confessed quietly.

Ellie was going to respond but was cut off by the rest of the herd running up behind her. They were all out of breath but smiled at seeing the twins.

"Told ya they'd be okay!". Sid said smugly, glaring at Diego and Manny.

"I never doubted them". Diego blatantly lied, wincing when Manny hit him with his trunk.

"I'm glad you're both alright". Shira said softly, head butting the twin's gently, despite her rough personality she did have a soft spot for the trickster twins.

"Alright enough of the love fest, we gotta head back". Diego cut in gruffly.

Crash raised a brow and looked between Buck and the herd nervously, The weasel grinned reassuringly and nodded towards Ellie as if to say tell her.

"Actually Eddie and I kinda want to stay". Crash announced uneasily.

"You do?". Ellie asked, turning back around to face her brother with a shocked look.

"Yeah, I think it's about time we make it on our own". Eddie explained gently.

"But we wanna make sure you'll be alright without us". Crash said hastily.

"Is this really what you want?". Ellie asked softly, her tone anything but disapproving as the twin's nodded eagerly

"Then I'll be fine". Ellie promised with a small smile before looking over at Buck sternly. "Buck -".

"I've got their backs, you all taught me what being part of a family is like again, I think it's time I have that properly now". Buck replied, staring down at his and Zee's intertwined paws.

Crash and Eddie whooped happily and hugged the weasel tightly. "Yeah! Go Buck!".

Ellie looked back at her boys one last time. "Promise me you'll visit whenever you can".

"We will". Crash promised, his voice breaking with emotion as Eddie hugged him tightly.

And with that, the Sub Zero Hero's made their way back home as Buck and his new found family made their way to theirs.

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