Eddie's Jealousy:

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When the trio made it back to the jungle Crash frowned once he saw Buck standing at the mouth of the cave with his paws crossed over his chest.

"You three wanna explain where you've been all morning?". The one eyed weasel asked sternly.

 "I think we got rid of Orson and Gavin for good". Crash exclaimed happily, albeit slightly nervous at the weasel's stern demeanor.

Buck's remaining eye widened in shock. "What is that supposed to mean?".

"We went to Lava Falls to confront dad, and he led Orson away from Lava Falls". Gertie explained quickly.

"That doesn't mean they won't be back at some point". A voice cut in from behind Buck.

Everyone turned to see Eddie standing off to the side with his arms firmly crossed and glaring at Crash.

Crash cocked his head to the side with a frown. "C'mon Eddie, try to be a little optimistic will you?".

Eddie scoffed and stepped closer to his twin. "I'll be a little more optimistic once you stop putting yourself in danger every two seconds".

Crash shook his head at his brother's attitude. "You doing a dangerous stunt is the reason we got stuck here in the first place".

"At least I don't try to kiss a guy I only just met a few days ago". Eddie retorted nastily.

"You were watching us?". Crash asked, his anger starting to rise.

"Has the pervert over there ever heard of boundaries?". Eddie asked, hooking a thumb in Jett's direction.

Crash sniffed, angry tears starting to well in his eyes. "Have you ever heard of minding your own business? and for the record, I tried to kiss him, not the other way around".

"If you don't want me around Crash then I'll step away, I'll leave all together if that'll make you happy". Jett said, stepping forward timidly.

Crash shook his head. "No, my brother needs to learn that it won't be the two of us playing bachelor anymore".

Eddie frowned for a moment before roughly shaking his head, shoving past Crash as he picked up his makeshift backpack and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

"Where are you going?". Crash called out desperately as he watched his little brother walk outside.

"Obviously you don't need me anymore, so I'm leaving". Eddie replied with a shrug.

Crash shook his head. "You're seriously that mad at me over finding a partner?".

Eddie shrugged casually. "I'm not mad, I'm done".

Eddie scurried out of sight as Crash tried to go after him, only to be stopped by Buck and Zee.

"Give him a day or two, he'll be back". Buck said quietly.

"He can't survive that long out there on his own!". Crash cried, wiping the tears that stung at his scarred eye.

Beck and Zee just stared at one another sadly as Crash buried his face into Zee's shoulder.

Four days passed until Buck finally allowed the grief stricken Crash to go out and look for his missing brother.

"We'll help you look". Zakai tried to volunteer at once, rising to his feet.

Crash shook his head. "I'm the one that pushed him to do this, I have to do this on my own".

Buck looked unhappy but nodded. "If you're both not back by sunset I'm sending Roger out to look for you, Is that clear?".

Crash nodded as Zee pulled him into a tight hug. "Bring him back here safely". The Zorilla whispered.

The possum nodded and scampered out into the humid air and headed up river, to the place that Jett had taken him.

Once he'd arrived at the mountain side Crash started calling out for his brother. "Eddie?!".

Crash waited for a few moments as there was no answer back, He shook his head and grabbed onto a piece of rock jutting out from the mountain so he could heft himself up.

When he arrived at the top Crash spotted Eddie sitting on the log bench, his head being buried in his knees did little to mask the sounds of his soft cries.

When he tiptoed closer Crash could see how his brother's fur was matted down thanks to the recent rains the Lost World had seen in the last two days.

"Hey". Crash whispered, easing himself to sit down next to his younger twin.

Eddie sniffed but refused to look at Crash. "I'm sorry". was all he said in a broken, watery voice.

Crash nodded but didn't reach out to hug his younger brother, knowing that touching him in his emotional state would get him upset.

The boys stayed silent for a few moments until Crash decided to speak. "I know you're mad at me but I can't lose you, we lost mama, I won't lose you too".

Eddie looked at Crash from the corner of his eye. "I just thought It would be better if I left, that way you'd be happy and I wouldn't get in the way".

Crash looked heartbroken at this admission. "You're my brother, you're never in the way".

Eddie shook his head. "Everything's gonna change, you and Jett are gonna get together and eventually start a family and then you'll leave -".

"Who said anything about me leaving? Jett and I aren't even together yet". Crash interrupted.

"Yeah, but you will be at some point". Eddie argued warily.

Crash scoffed. "If everyone even approves of our relationship in the first place".

Eddie wiped his eyes. "What do you mean? Buck and Zee seem okay with it".

Crash looked at the ground. "I'm not talking about them".

Eddie nodded slowly. "Our sister?".

"And mama". Crash added on softly.

Eddie hesitantly laid a paw on his brother's shoulder. "Mama's been gone for a while".

"I know, I just wouldn't want her to be disappointed in me if she was here". Crash replied softly.

"I think mama and our sister would be proud of you". Eddie replied gently but firmly.

Crash sniffed and pulled his brother into a tight hug, only letting go once the stench of Eddie's drenched pelt became too much.

Crash took Eddie's paw and helped him down the mountain ledge. "We should head back before Buck sends out a search party".

Eddie laughed again but looked between the mountain edge and Crash with a huge grin.

"What?". Crash asked in concern.

"You climbed up there all by yourself!". The younger possum exclaimed happily.

"Guess I did, didn't I?". Crash said with a proud grin, hugging Eddie again as the two of them headed back home in comfortable silence.

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