Down Goes The Dino Bird's:

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"We made it!". Buck announced excitedly as he and the other's awoke the next morning.

Crash and Eddie looked around curiously, now that daytime had arrived they could clearly see they were in a different part of the Lost World.

The Lagoon itself bordered the area for miles, and white sand covered the grounds while dinosaurs and smaller mammals alike enjoyed each other's company.

Once everyone was safely back on dry land (With Crash smirking at how Buck tried and failed to help the stubborn Zee out of the bone boat) they walked for a while until coming across a huge cave.

"What are we doing here Buck?". Eddie asked, watching as the weasel picked up a conch shell and blew into it.

The possums clung together as the ground beneath them began to shake and a sinister growl erupted from somewhere deep inside the cave.

A huge figure made its way out into the open air and the twins immediately calmed down upon seeing who it was. "Mama T- Rex!". Crash yelled out, going up to greet the T - Rex.

Eddie followed close behind, giggling as Mama Rex head butted his chest affectionately.

"You guys know Mama - T?". Zee asked confusedly, also coming up to greet the old girl.

"Yeah, our friend Sid kinda babysat her kids at one point". Eddie replied, as Buck stood off to the side with a smirk.

"Plus, she saved us from this evil dinosaur called Rudy". Crash added on.

Zee looked towards Buck sympathetically. "Yeah, I know all about Rudy".

After a brief period of awkward silence Buck cleared his throat. "Mama Dino is gonna help us bring down Orson!".

"Makes sense! she's 15,500 pounds of deadly terror!". Eddie said with a grin.

Mama T grunted at the remark but let out a whimper, staring down at her gigantic left leg that was hanging limply off the ground.

Buck came forward and inspected before turning back towards the group. "She's got a hurt leg, I'm surprised she's even up and walking with the condition it's in".

The weasel went out into the foliage and came back with a huge leaf and some vines. He got to work on patching mama's injury whilst scolding the beast like she was a misbehaved child.

Roger, (who had fallen behind the group last night) came flying down with a look of fear upon his feathered face. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we have a problem".

Before Roger could continue, a familiar sounding slow clapping sounded from somewhere on Buck's left side.

Eddie stepped in front of Crash protectively as Orson and his raptor posse came out of the bushes.

"You really are a pathetic bunch. Did you seriously think reuniting with Zee and recruiting some old T - Rex was gonna be enough to stop me?". Orson taunted.

"Well that was kinda the idea". Crash muttered to himself.

Orson smirked and rounded on Crash. "And you, obviously scratching up your face wasn't a clear enough message to stay out of my way".

Buck stepped up so he was just a few feet away from Orson. "Alright Orson, what is it that you want?

Orson mimed thinking to himself for a moment before answering. "Ideally I'd like to see you and your girlfriend out of my way for good".

Zee looked at the possums before also stepping forward next to Buck. "You wanted us, you got us".

"Just leave the possums alone". Buck warned as he and Zee were forced into a rolling bamboo cage.

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