Down Goes Gavin & Orson:

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Roger flew back to the cave with Crash and Jett and everyone settled in as the young Dino - Bird started to speak.

"Guys, I think my father is hanging around Orson". Roger explained sadly but cautiously.

Buck looked alarmed but kept his cool, "Okay, what makes you think that Rog?".

Roger shook his head. "He's been really secretive lately and he's been disappearing for days on end".

Zee put a comforting paw on Roger's wing. "Okay, how long has this been happening?".

Roger looked down guiltily. "Ever since Orson came back".

"Roger! that's been almost four months ago, you should have said something sooner!". Buck scolded.

Roger looked up. "I'm not covering for him if that's what you think".

Buck put up a paw to silence the Dino - Bird. "I believe you. but I gotta ask, do you know where your sister is?".

Roger shook his head. "I haven't seen her since we thought we got rid of Orson, you don't think she -".

"I'm not sure what to believe right now, just find her and we'll figure this out". Buck cut in calmly.

Once Roger had flown away Buck turned towards his herd with a frown, "This is just great".

Crash smiled reassuringly and placed a paw against Buck's upper arm. "We got your back Buck".

Buck smiled sadly. "This is my fight, not yours or anyone else's".

Zee put her arm around her mate's waist. "When are you gonna realize your not alone anymore?".

Roger came back a few hours later with an irritated Gertie in tow, who angrily rounded on Buck as soon as she entered the cave.

"You seriously had my little brother track me down half way across the jungle because of the stuff our father's doing?". She demanded with a growl.

Buck backed up a bit but remained calm. "I don't think either of you have anything to do with this, I just need help to figure this all out".

Gertie still seemed aggravated but nodded. "Alright, what are you thinking?".

Buck sighed. "Gavin and Orson seemed to have joined forces, which isn't great obviously".

Eddie got to his feet with a grin. "But that also means we know exactly where they are probably hiding out, so let's go!".

Crash hurriedly grabbed hold of his twin's tail, forcing him to settle back down.

Eddie glared at his brother before crossing his arms over his chest and looking away from Crash completely.

Crash was about to address his brother's behavior but couldn't as Buck kept talking, "Looks like we have two villains to take down, Roger, Gertie I'm really sorry about all this".

Roger laughed sadly. "Eh, It was just a matter of time before he started up with this stuff again".

Everyone else stared at him sadly before Zakai decided to speak up. "So how do we defeat two evil dinos?".

Zee rubbed her paw over her chin in thought. "It'll be tricky but I think we can handle it, plus there's more of us now".

Buck looked over at Crash and winked. "Let's just hope Crash doesn't decide to go all Crash Wild on us".

Crash playfully punched Eddie on the arm with a laugh. "I can't believe you told him I said that!".

Eddie let out an obviously fake laugh, still refusing to look Crash in the face.

Zee seemed to notice the possum's odd behavior. "Ed, everything okay?".

Eddie looked at her with a forced grin. "Yeah, but I don't think I'm gonna go after Orson with you guys".

Zee looked taken aback but kept her composure. "I guess that's a good idea, that way you'll be safe".

Eddie nodded absently. "I'm gonna go to bed, I'll see you guys in the morning if your not already gone".

Zee and Crash shared a worried glance as the younger possum got up and headed towards his sleeping area at the back of the cave.

The next morning Crash got up well before the sun was due to rise, which would guarantee his family's unlikeness to be up and about yet.

The blue eyed possum crept about the cave silently, grabbing a few gas berries from the vine that hung over his sleeping area and smashing them to the floor, allowing the gas to permeate the air.

Once the gas had been released he darted outside the cave before the sleeping affect from the berries could bother him.

He got a few feet away from the cave before two figures swooped in front of him, effectively blocking his path.

Crash groaned in annoyance and looked up at his feathered friends. "Seriously?".

Gertie rolled her eyes. "Yeah seriously, what are you trying to do here dumb - dumb?".

Crash sighed. "I was gonna try and stop Orson and Gavin on my own".

Roger scoffed. "Yeah cause that's definitely a great idea, Gertie and I are here to help though!".

Crash shook his head. "Guys seriously, I can handle it".

Gertie shook her head and picked up the defiant possum by the scruff of his neck, throwing him onto her back roughly as they went off towards Lava Falls.

The trio eventually made it to Lava Falls where Orson and Gavin were out in plain view, watching over their raptor minions.

"Okay, what's your plan?". Gertie asked Crash as the three of them hid behind a boulder.

Crash opened his mouth to respond but couldn't as a rush of wind blew over them to reveal a very angry looking Gavin. "What are you two doing here?".

"Three actually". Crash piped up, popping out from behind Roger before promptly hiding again when Gavin growled at him.

Roger looked at father pleadingly. "Whatever you're planning with Orson, you don't have to do it".

Gavin shook his head. "You don't get it do you? We're predators, this is what we do!".

Gertie scoffed at her father. "I think he understands it plenty, considering you tried to make him kill Buck".

Gavin scoffed. "He wasn't exactly successful was he?".

Roger looked at his father sadly. "Remember what I told you a few years ago?, If you care about us you won't kill mammals for pleasure".

"I do care about you and your sister". Gavin tried to argue unconvincingly.

"You've only ever seen the worst in Roger!". Gertie argued back. "Plus, you called him a useless screw up to his face!".

Gavin ran a claw down his face. "Alright, What do you want me to do?".

"Tell Orson that Buck moved further into the Jungle". Crash rattled off.

Gavin tried to reply but flinched violently when Orson started calling out for him.

"I'm sorry". The Dino bird patriarch mumbled, looking between his kids sadly before flying back over to Orson.

Crash, Roger and Gertie watched as Gavin and Orson conversed for a few moments as the brainiac Dino nodded at whatever Gavin had said and beckoned for his raptor army, leading them away from Lava Falls.

Crash waited until they were out of sight before turning towards his friends. "We did it!".

Roger looked at the afternoon sky nervously. "We should head back, Everyone's probably awake by now".

Crash nodded and hopped onto Roger's back as they headed back home happily.

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