Chapter 36

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Yn focused on her studies during whole year. A day before exam there was farewell party for seniors who are now going to join college.

All the juniors were allowed to meet them and were giving them farewell gifts.

Yn was meeting with her friends sibling when someone tap on her shoulder asking her to follow.

Yn look at her friends and seeing them busy, she left without telling them and found the same boy who gave her flowers.

He forwarded something to her making yn look at the bracelet with curiosity.

'Maybe your face will change in next years so this is from me so that I can recognize you and yes, even though you said it, I'm still gonna court you after completing college' the boy said bending down to her level and pinching her nose.

Yn thought and made the deal biding bye and asking him to take care of himself.

Yn jumped on her way back to her friends who were looking at her with suspicious look.

After her exam ended, yn was waiting for the result. She was a bit nervous. She would sleep till late hours and do nothing except for playing around whole day.

Jungkook would stay at home to look after her.

'Bun, wake up now it's already 10 O'clock' Jungkook spoke trying to wake up yn who whined shaking her head in no asking for 5 minutes more.

He immediately denied asking her to wake and she did looking at him with a pout to melt him which he ignored asking her to get ready fast.

Yn groaned walking to bathroom stripping down her clothes, she got into shower then put on her tshirt and skirt going down.

After having breakfast, yn switched on the TV thinking what to watch but the screen suddenly turned black.

Yn checked the plugs and connection but everything was fine.

'Oppa, TV broke down' yn shouted running to jungkook and drag him with her to living room showing the TV to him.

'Lemme check' yn sat on couch letting him check.

'Is it done?' The girl asked after 5 minutes making jungkook shook his head in refusal. She again turned silent then after 10 minutes she repeated the same question making him deny again.

'Do you know how to fix it' Yn asked after he denied for the third time as well making him look at her with done look.

Sensing the danger, she kept finger on her lips. He got back to his work and finally after 1 hour, he switched it on and it was working properly.

'Now happy' Jungkook asked making her nod giving a big smile. She started watching the screen while jungkook checked the date.

'Today, your result is going to come out and you are watching TV' the remote fall down from her hand, she checked the date and a look of worry appeared on her face. Jungkook sat beside her checking her result.

'You passed..... But you are weak in science' Jungkook show her the result. Yn was able to get passing marks in science but did good in other subjects.

'Hehehe atleast, I passed' yn rubbed her nape looking at him on which he agreed. He send the photo to the six brothers and their father.

Yn was going to turn to the tv again but jungkook switched it off.

'Let's play something' yn agreed and they both decided to play chess.

The game started, yn took black and jungkook white. The pawn started moving.

Yn made the Be5 move then jungkook made Nf4 move.
The game continued and they kept on putting down each other's pieces.

Jungkook made a Qg3# move.

'Checkmate, I won' jungkook cheered making yn whine for few seconds then congratulate him.

Closing the game Jungkook suggested,

'Let’s go out for ice cream. It’ll be my treat, since I just crushed you.' He wiggled his eyebrows playfully, prompting a laugh from Yn despite her earlier defeat.

'I'm surprised you'd be generous after that win' she muttered, though she found herself unable to hide her smile.

'Fine! But I want double scoops.'

They made their way to their favorite ice cream shop down the street, the familiar chime of the bell above the door ringing as they entered. The air was cold and sweet, a haven from the beautiful, if slightly too warm, day outside. Yn quickly scanned the vibrant flavors displayed in front of them, contemplating whether to stick with her perennial favorite, mint chocolate chip, or take a risk with something new.

'Mint chocolate chip, again?' He ask nudging her, asking her to try something else.

'Why you like this toothpaste' he teased making yn gave him a done look.

'I like what I like and it's not toothpaste' she retorted, seeking the joy of predictability amidst the wave of flavors beckoning from the glass. She firmly believed that there was comfort in familiar choices, while Jungkook thrived on unpredictability, often daring to try even the wildest flavor combinations.

After receiving their ice cream-Yn’s two generous scoops of mint chocolate chip and Jungkook’s audacious choice of blueberry basil.

they strolled towards the nearby park. The breeze was gentle, brushing against their skin like a soft whisper, and they settled onto a weathered wooden bench beneath an old oak tree.

'Did you ever think about moving out or leaving us after everything we had done' he asked the question that always made him wonder in night. Yn froze, thinking of it and gave a small nod.

'At first, I did. But I was to scared to live alone.' Yn confessed making him nod too. They both turned silent for few minutes not knowing what to speak.

Jungkook regret asking the question, he was aware that somewhere the answer can hurt him but still he did.

'But, not now, everything changed
You all changed so my thoughts eventually changed. Now I'll stick with you forever and you have to handle me your whole life' Yn finally uttered knowing the previous conversation was to serious for both of their liking.

'Happily,' Jungkook said taking her in a hug with a big smile making yn laugh.

They both decided to leave seeing the sky getting brighter as it was turning noon.

To  Be Continued

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