Chapter 22 (P2 Finale)

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Dex's POV:

Something was up. Fitz had told Dex about the nightmare he had. It was weird because Dex had a nightmare similar to that. The uncanny expressions, the weird way Fitz had been acting. What was this?

"So... somethings up, totally. But what?" Fitz murmured. Dex shrugged.

"I have no idea. Coincidence, maybe? Something possibly caused this... but what?" Dex questioned. Fitz was silent. Like he was pondering.

"Maybe it was something we ate? No... everything we ate was normal..." Fitz admitted. They were both confused. Very confused. 

There was a knock on the front door. Dex turned his head towards the sound. Fitz grumbled as he went to check the door. Dex followed behind him.

Fitz peered through the window to get a view of the entrance. There was an unfamiliar person standing at the door. Dex frowned. But, then the person turned their head towards where Fitz and Dex were standing looking out the window. Dex sucked in a sharp breath. The person wore the same uncanny smile that Fitz wore in his nightmare. Fitz tensed up. He turned quickly around to face Dex.

"Dex, go hide upstairs. I'll handle this..." Fitz told Dex. He didn't have to tell him twice. Dex turned around a hurried upstairs, he trusted Fitz.

When he got to the closet, he shut himself in it. Why, hello, closet, Dex is here again. There was a bad feeling building in his gut. Did he make the wrong choice to leave Fitz downstairs? Did something happen?

Dex didn't know how long he had been in there before he heard footsteps making their way up the stairs. He peered around the closet door, but he couldn't see anyone. The door to the bedroom started to creek open slowly. Dex sucked in a breath and buried himself in a pile of clothes in the corner of the closet. His heart pounded in his chest. He held his breath. Maybe Fitz was just trying to prank him, and everything was okay. Yeah, that's it.

He thought too soon.

The closet door was flung open, off its hinges. A ginormous spider-like creature stood holding what was left of the door. A white foam oozed from its mouth. Dex was petrified where he sat. He didn't dare move or make a sound. The creature sniffed the air before making a clicking sound and walking away. When the creature was out of the room, Dex climbed out of the pile of clothes he was hidden under. His whole body was shaking. He stood, trembling like crazy, and silently made his way out of the room. He looked down the hallway. No sign of the creature. He bolted quietly down the hallway and down the stairs. He looked up when he got to the bottom of the stairs.

"No..." he whispered.

Bramwell was torn up. Chunks were missing out of the wall. The chandelier was lying on the floor, bent and broken. Furniture was flipped and torn apart, and the floor was stained with... blood. Fresh blood. Dex's breath hitched, and his heart almost stopped. Where was Fitz? Was he okay? Who's blood was that? Dex looked around frantically for any sign of his lover. Nothing. Fear quickly swelled in his chest as he ran out the door.

There was a strange scent in the air. Dex turned around when he was thirty yards from Bramwell. There was smoke billowing out the top floor windows on the mansion. The air was pierced with an ear-shattering screech. Dex watch as the spider-like creature fell from a window, it's body burning. In the window was a silhouette. Fitz's silhouette. Dex's heart leaped in his chest. He took a step forward.

"Stay there!" Fitz yelled as he disappeared from the window. Dex clutched his hands over his heart.

After what felt like an eternity, Fitz emerged from the doorway. He had a few things in his hands. He ran as the fire billowed up and the roof of Bramwell collapsed. Dex ran forward towards Fitz. Both boys fell to their knees when they crashed into eachother. Fitz shielded Dex from the blazing heat coming from the burning house behind them. Dex got a look at what Fitz had grabbed from the house before he came out of it. Dex's sketchbook, some notebooks, and... their engagement rings. Dex grasped Fitz's hand tightly as their home went up in flames behind them.

Their home, Bramwell, was burning. Dex felt his eyes become wet with tears. Everything that they had worked so hard for was burning. Dex clutched Fitz's shirt and sobbed. They couldn't go to Everglen. They'd have to go to Rimeshire. It stung. Their home. It was gone.

Dex watched the flames dance along the burning house. Fitz dug his head into Dex's neck. Dex felt his shoulder become soggy as Fitz started to cry. They held each other tight and close.  It was agonizing to watch their home burn. Fitz had saved the most important things. Everything else was left to its doom.

The two sat there well into dark as the last embers of the fire began to smolder. Dex and Fitz pulled away from each other as they looked at their broken home. Most of it was gone, but some of it was still there. Dex stumbled over the ashen ruins. He bent down and picked up a slightly burnt picture. It was of him and Fitz three months ago. He folded the picture and carefully put it in his pocket. Fitz was busy searching through the rubble by where the kitchen used to be. Dex walked over to his fiancé. Fitz wiped his eyes as he looked down at something he had in his hand. It was a locket. Dex recognized it almost immediately. It was the locket that Della gave Fitz when the two first got settled in Bramwell. Dex kneeled beside Fitz and rubbed circles on his back. The two of them were devastated. Were they going to have a place to stay when the baby arrived? Dex looked down at his stomach. The small bump was barely noticeable.

"What... what was that thing?" Dex referred to the spider-like creature that fell from the window. Fitz sniffed and shook his head. He looked like he opened his mouth to say something but couldn't get it out without crying. The brunette clutched the locket and leaned on Dex.

"I think it was an arachnoid."


Hey Sugars! I hope you liked the finale of Part 2! I will post on my profile and discord server the date of the release of Part 3! I am so so so so grateful for my readers. You guys have helped my story get to 1.61k reads and I am so happy and grateful. Without you all I wouldn't have done this. Thank you so so so so much!!

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