Chapter 2

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5 more minutes. That's all what was left until the weekend. And this weekend was the big one. The one where I go to Warped Tour. Even if it is with Kayden it will be amazing. Once Kayden knew he was going with me to Warped Tour he called his girlfriend. Well the one he had at the time because Sleeping With Sirens was also going and that was her favorite band. If anything I'm glad it's just me and Kayden.

5,4,3,2,1. RI-I-I-I-I-I-NG. YES!

I got out the front door of the school and set my white and pink pennyboard down on the ground. I had to get out of there as quickly as possible because 1) I'm bullied and 2) It was Friday who wouldn't want to get out of there? I started whizzing my way through the parking lot and down the street. When I reached Main St. I saw a guy with long black hair and all black leather on. I passed him and looked back at him. When I saw who it was I gasped. As I was gaping at him in his glory I made eye contact. His deep brown eyes stared at my purple (contacts) ones. I then with all my clumsiness ran into a lightpost on fell. ' Oh great I fell on my ass in front off the great Ashley Purdy.' I thought. He came rushing towards me and I stared at him with wide eyes.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he knelt next to me.

"Y-y-y-es. I-I-I'm fine." I stuttered. He only smirked.

"I'm guessing your a fan?" He said.

"Y-y-es." Was all I could say.

He laughed and stood up. He reached out his hand towards me. I took it and he helped me up.

"Thanks." I said getting rid of the stutter.

"No problem." He smiled. "As you probably know I'm Ashley Purdy. And you are?"

"Wren Andrews. And let me tell you, I'm a huge fan so sorry if I do fan girl." I said shyly.

"Well Wren, you are very beautiful." He said and I blushed a deep red color.

"Thanks." I smiled and looked down.

"Well, beautiful Wren, I have to go. But can I have your number? And will you be at Warped Tour?" He asked.

"Yes, and yes." I said and took a purple sharpie out of my pocket. I always keep a colored sharpie with me wherever I go. I base the color on my mood for the day. Purple being excited. I wrote my name and number on his wrist.

"Goodbye beautiful!" He said as I picked up my penny board and set it on the ground begininng on my way home again.

"Bye! I'll see you at Warped!" I yelled back as I was flying down the street.

When I got home Kayden's car was already in the driveway. Of course he's home he has a car. We are both Seniors. I'm almost 18 and aloud to drive but there isn't enough money for a car yet because my mom and stepdad just got married.

I walked in the front door holding my penny board and set it down near the back door. Kayden, for once, was sitting on the couch watching a movie called The Butterfly Effect. Apperently it was his favorite.

"Hey." I said cheerfully.

"Hey. Why are you so cheery. You aren't depressed like you always are when you come home." He said with a little bit of concern but not taking his eyes off the tv.

"Bullies didn't catch me this time." I said. "And I met someone." I added.

"Tell me who it was because it must be someone interesting." He said. "Your almost never this happy." It was true. I was always depressed.

"His name is Ashley. Ashley Purdy." I said biting my lip as I sat down on the couch with him. He looked at me with wide eyes finally turning away from the tv. I only nodded my head. He just turned his head back to the tv and then jumped up and yelled, "MY LITTLE SISTER JUST MET ASHLEY PURDY FROM BLACK VEIL BRIDES!!!!"

"Shhhhhh!" I yelled.

"We are gonna meet them tomorrow and I will then see if you are lying or not." He said looking at me suspiciously.

"Okay then." I said and he went back to watching the movie. I got up and went into the kitchen. I grabbed a piece of leftover pizza from the fridge not bothering to heat it up and went back into the living room to watch the movie. Every so often Kayden would look at me as if I was a robber and he was an old lady trying not to get his purse stolen.

After the movie was over it was about 5 o'clock and my mom and stepdad walked through the door. My mom had short redish brown hair and was about 5'2. She reminded me alot of a pixie. My stepdad was covered in tattoos, bald, and about 5'11. Practically the opposite of my mom.

We ate dinner my stepdad had fixed and I went upstairs. It was about 7 o'clock and I needed to get ready for tomorrow. I have to look extra awesome for Ashley. Ashley was always my favorite member. I had no clue why, maybe just his pervertedness, but to me I find pervertedness really hot. Also, I loved how even with a name that was sort of girly he kept his head held high and didn't let it bother him that people made fun of him. And the fact that he is just plain sexy.

I pulled out a black Black Veil Brides t-shirt and some ripped grey skinnys. I set them on my desk chair and put on a black Batman tank top and some Hello Kitty short shorts. The only time I ever wear shorts is to bed because of my scars. They covered my thighs and wrists. That's why I always wear bracelets. Mostly band ones and some best friend ones. I looked at my Android smartphone as it started singing "Our days are numbered, in the world of fools!"

The bright screen popped up with a new text message.

Ashley: Hey beautiful:) It's Ashley.

Wren: Heyy:)

Ashley: What time are you coming to Warped tomorrow?

Wren: My bro and I are leaving around 10am. What time are you guys on?

Ashley: 1pm. If you want you can stop by early to meet the rest of the band?

Wren: Love too!!! Be there at the stage youll be playing at at 12 kay?

Ashley: Alright see ya then beautiful:) good night sweet dreams

Wren: See ya Ash^_^ nighty night! dont let the bed bugs bite!!!

I decided to turn in early and climbed into my comfy bed. I turned out my nightside lamp and fell asleep against my cool pillow.

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