Chapter 3

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"Wren! Wake up! Warped Tour's today!!!" Kayden's voice yelled at me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I got out of bed and opened the door to see Kayden there with his hand in mid-air about to knock again. His long black hair was wet and had a blue towel wrapped around his waist. "Good you're up." He said and went back into his room to get ready.

I stumbled into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I finished up and went back into my room. I put on my clothes I had layed out the night before and went back to the bathroom. Unfortunately, Kayden was doing his hair in there too. I plugged in my hair dryer and went on with doing my hair. Kayden looked at me every so often giving my the same look as the night before. Suspicious. I always replied with a 'what are you looking at' look. He just went back to doing his hair and I smirked.

When I had finished with my hair and warpaint I went back to my room to gather the stuff I would need for the rest of the day. I filled my Hello Kitty bag with some extra eyeliner and a hairbrush. I threw some other random things in and my wallet which was stuffed with $200 I had saved up from working at a little coffee shop a couple blocks away from the house.

I walked out the door to my room and bumped into Kayden going down the stairs. Then we heard my other step brother Will yell at us, "Have fun at your gay emo music concert!" I rolled my eyes and Kayden and I yelled back at him, "It's not gay!".

When we were both in the kitchen I looked at the clock. My eyes bulged. It was already 9:55! I packed a water bottle and picked up an apple to eat on the way. Kayden and I raced out the door and into his silver car. I took a bite of my apple and started to tell him about the game plan for the day.

We would go see Sleeping With Sirens at 10:50-11:50 and then meet up with Black Veil Brides at 12 by the other stage. He would meet the guys and then go off with his other friends. I smiled. Alone. With Black Veil Brides. This is going to be an amazing day.

"Have a good time!" The lady behind the ticket counter said as we handed her our tickets.

"Thank you." I said and walked away with Kayden smiling like an idiot.

"You look stupid smiling like that." He said. I rolled my eyes but didn't stop smiling. Once we reached the stage where Sleeping With Sirens was playing Kayden saw his friends and decided to go with them leaving me alone. I just recorded a few videos on my phone and listened to the music. At the end of their set I dashed off towards the Black Veil Brides stage. I ran into someone and we both fell down. I got up and apologized.

"I'm so sorry!" I said and helped the guy up.

"That was all my fault! I should be the one saying sorry!" He said with a voice I thought I recognized from watching so many interviews. I looked at him and my jaw dropped. It was Vic Fuentes. I fell on my ass in front of yet another very attractive celebrity.

"I'm very sorry. I was just-"

"Heading off to see another band?" He asked with a smile.

"Well, yeah." I said grinning.

"Well since I was the one who bumped into you, I shall escort you." He said and held out his arm like he was taking me down the aisle at a wedding. I giggled. Wait, I giggled. I never giggle. I took his arm and said, "Thank you kind sir!". We walked all the way to the Black Veil Brides stage talking about who we were and stuff. Then when we got to the stage I saw Ashley. I smiled really big and Ashley smiled back. Vic let go of my arm and hugged me.

"Before I go, can I have your number?" He asked kind of shyly. I nodded with a smile and took out a green sharpie from my back pocket. Green meaning overly happy. I wrote my name and number on his arm, small enough so no one would notice when he was on stage but big enough to read. He smiled and waved as he was walking away. I smiled and waved back. What I didn't notice was Ashley right behind me. I turned around and ran into his chest. I looked up at him and said, "Hey Ash!".

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