Chapter 7

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"Give me some of that!" Kallie yelled and slurred meaning the bottle of Vodka.

"You've had enough Kallie." I said. I had started giving everyone the alcohol because I was going to be the responsible one here. Kallie had gone through 4 shots of Vodka and she wanted the rest of the bottle.

"Bu-" She said lazily and passed out on the ground. I rolled my eyes and got her off the ground and onto a random bunk.

I started to hear loud moaning and groaning from the bunk above the one Kallie was in. I looked around and saw Andy talking to Ember rather intimately. I noticed Jinxx and Kandi were gone. Vic and his band went back to their bus and I was getting nervous. Who would tell Sammi? Would Sammi understand he was drunk? All of these questions were swimming through my head as I heard a big crash. Lux and Kayden were making out roughly in the front of the bus.

"You guys! All of you need to pass out now so I can too!" I yelled over the blaring music. Right now the song was something. I couldn't even think straight at the moment. I have such a big headache. I went over to Ashley and he was drawing on Jake's passed out face. He had a mustache and a unibrow in pink sharpie. Wait, that's my sharpie. Pink was for flirtatious. I laughed a little and kissed Ashley's cheek. He looked at me and kissed my on the lips hard and passionate. I was suprised at first, but then I kissed back and tasted alcohol. Alot of alcohol. How much did I give him? Oh well, fuck it.

I felt another huge bomb between us. Ashley's lips parted from mine and he smiled at me. "I think I'm in love with you beautiful Wren." He said and started to pass out.

"You're drunk Ash." I said but still hoping it was true. He passed out on Jake's shoulder and I just laughed.

I kissed Ashley's cheek again and walked over to Kayden and Lux who were now passed out. On top of each other in the drivers seat. They looked like they were cuddling.

Brandon then came up to me and hugged me tightly. I hugged back and then he pulled away. He looked at me and kissed me. I didn't feel any sparks. Not like when Ashley kissed me.

I pushed him off me and he fell onto the floor laughing. I gave him a weird look. He just continued laughing.

By now everyone was starting to pass out and then I heard very loud moans coming from the bathroom. Eww. I didn't even want to think about it. I bet it was Ember and Andy though. I just tried to block it from my mind. Everyone in the front of the bus was passed out now and I was about to myself. I was pretty fucking tired.

I didn't bother putting on pajamas. I just hopped into a random bunk. I noticed a couple of posters and a bulletin board covered with pictures on the wall. All the pictures were of Ashley and his fans. I noticed one that didn't have him in it. It was me. I wasn't paying attention and we were at my house watching Batman. I smiled at the picture and moved my hand gently across it. The picture fell down and I saw what was on the other side. There was a purple heart around my name. I smiled again and put the picture back up on the board.

I laid down on the pillow and took in Ashley's scent. I smiled and fell asleep happily.

(A/N sorry its a sucky chapter!!! and it's kinda short:( but It's going to get better)

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