Chapter 5

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Wren's P.O.V.

I woke up and looked around. My phone then buzzed with a loud "DAYS ARE NUMBERED, IN A WORLD OF FOOLS." Signaling I had a text message. I took it out of my pocket and it was from a number I didn't recognize. The text said:

Hello my good sir! It is I, Vic.

Wren: Well good day kind sir!

Vic: How are you today?

Wren: Very good. Just woke up with seven guys in my living room but I'm fine with it!

Vic: Did someone have a party? And not invite the Vic Fuentes!?

Wren: I didn't have a party. I was hanging out with BVB, my step brother, and his friend.

Vic: Awesome. Well I gotta go eat breakfast so see ya later!

Wren: Alrighty bye!

Vic: Bye.

Then as I looked up I saw Ashley's deep brown eyes staring at me. He was so amazing. I really was starting to like him a lot. Like, a lot a lot.

"Good morning sleepy head!" I said cheerfully.

"Good morning beautiful." Ashley said his eyes still full of sleep. I stood up from his grasp which he was not happy about and went into the kitchen to make coffee and breakfast. After I was done with the pancakes, eggs, and hashbrowns I started to work on the bacon. When the bacon started sizzling, I heard Jake and Kayden yell "BACON!!!" at the same time. I just laughed as they ran into the kitchen now wide awake. Then the rest of the guys came in and sat down at the island counter. Kayden and Jake went straight to where I was and stared at the bacon over my shoulder.

"Sit down and I'll serve you." I said and then Jake and Kayden groaned. Ashley came up behind me and hugged me while staring at the bacon. "I thought I said I'd serve you guys." I said while his eyes just stared at the sizzling bacon.

"You don't have to do that." He said with a smile.

"Yes I do." I said while frowning a little.

"Why?" He asked looking at me worriedly.

"Because of last night. I made a huge scene!" I said and everyone just went silent.

"No it was my fault for uncovering them." Ashley said. I shook my head and continued grabbing plates from the cabinet. I put pancakes, eggs, hashbrowns, and bacon on each plate. I handed a plate to each of the guys and went upstairs to take a shower. I turned on my radio needing to listen to some music and Lost It All came on. I continued showering and started singing along to the song. I got out and went into my room. I saw Ashley sitting on my bed looking through my nightstand.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. He turned around really fast with a hand over his heart. Then his face relaxed and relieved.

"Nothing I was just bored." He said.

"Well, can you get out I need to get dressed." I said sortof sternly wondering what he was really doing. He nodded and walked out.

'That was weird' I thought and put on some red skinnys and a black Asking Alexandria t-shirt. I went into the bathroom and did my hair. When I was finished, I went downstairs to see Kayden freaking out. Everyone including me just stared at him.

"What's up with him?" I asked Brandon.

"He realized he left his car at Warped Tour." He replied.

"Oh. Well, Jinxx would you like to take poor Kayden here and the rest of us to the grounds and get Kayden's car?" I asked Jinxx sweetly.

"Uh, sure lets go!" He said and Kayden bolted out the door. I laughed and walked out following him.

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