Chapter 26

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*2 weeks later*

I woke up to hear someone screaming. I turn over and immediately fall out of the bunk.

"Dammit." I mutter to myself. Jinxx walks up to me, seeing as he was in the front of the bus, and helps me up. "Thanks." I mumble and he nods. "Who the hell is screaming?" I ask, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"It's Vic. He's outside. He doesn't want you to leave today." Jinxx mumbles and walks back to his bunk. "He won't shut up."

Today, I was leaving the tour. I had to go home and pack up all my stuff for college. College. The word was so foreign to me. I sighed and opened up the door. Vic stopped screaming and smiled at me. I instantly slapped him across the face. He held his cheek.

"Damn, that hurt." He mumbled. I rolled my eyes and let him in. Everyone was sleeping, or sitting in bed trying to block out Vic's screams. He sat down on the couch while I grabbed a Monster from the fridge. I chugged half of it and looked at Vic. He was looking at me wierd.

"What?" I asked, setting the can on the table.

"1, you just chugged that thing. 2, you're leaving today!" He pouted. I sat down next to him and hugged him tightly. The first hug of many today.

"Vic, I'm sorry. I don't wanna leave, but I have to go to school. Grr, school." I scowled at the word.

"I know, I know. I'm just gonna miss you." He says and hugs me again. I hugged him tightly in my arms, not wanting to let go.

"Hey Vic, hey babe." Andy said, his deep voice groggy. I smiled widely at him and jumped up, hugging him tightly.

"Hay." I smiled and kissed his cheek. He smiled and hugged me tightly.

"I don't want you to leave me." He pouts into my shoulder.

"I know." I say, my eyes starting to water. I can't bear the thought of leaving Andy so soon into our relationship. We were going to try a long distance relationship. Besides, I'll be home for Thanksgiving and it just so happens that they're going to be playing in my hometown that exact weekend.

Andy made me look up at him and he kissed me gently. I smiled, melting into the kiss. Vic groaned and I parted from Andy.

"Got a problem, Fuentes?" I ask snappily. He shook his head and stood up.

"I'm gonna meet you outside in about an hour okay?" He says and I nod as he walks out of the door. He was driving me to the airport. Along with Kayden. And Jaime. And Andy, and Tony, Mike, Jinxx, Jake, and CC. I didn't know if Ashley was going to come, we had distanced. Too much for my liking, but he had done it himself.

I turn back to Andy. "Ya know, I can't wait to see you for Thanksgiving." I smile. He grins and pecks my lips.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." He mumbles and hugs me tightly, his arms resting around my shoulders, my arms around his torso.

"I'll be back before you know it." I smile into his chest. He hugs me tighter. I heard some footsteps and I look up, only to have my eyes meet Ashley's. He isn't happy about anything, you can tell. But, he still manages to deal with it, and I'm glad. He deserves to be happy with whoever he wishes. If that includes whores and sluts, so be it. I can't stop him.

"Hey Ash." I said quietly. He gave a slight wave and a nod, before grabbing a bottle of whiskey from the mini fridge. He's been drinking nonstop lately. Always slurring his words, being clumsy. He can barely play shows, yet he's able to deal with them without passing out or vomiting on stage. I gave him a slight frown and looked up at Andy.

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