Chapter 6

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"WREN WAKE UP!!! I'M NOT TAKING YOU TO SEE BLACK VEIL BRIDES UNLESS YOU GET UP!!!" Kayden's voice yelled at me. I got up out of bed and yelled back.

"I'M UP YOU DON'T HAVE TO FUCKING YELL AT ME!!!" I opened the door and went down the hall and into the bathroom. I didn't get a good night sleep last night because I was to excited. Today was the last day of school as well as the day I would see Ashley again. I finished up the morning essentials and went downstairs to see Kayden in the kitchen. I nodded at him and made a bowl of cereal. Then my phone rang and I answered.


"Hey Wren, it's Kallie!" Her high pitched voice came through the phone.

"Hey Kallie! What's up?" I said wondering why she was calling.

"What time are you and Kayden picking me and Kandi up?" She asked.

"About threeish? I get out at 2:30 so Kayden and I will pick you up right after we get out. Okay?" I ask.

"Okay sounds good. See ya then! Love ya!" She said.

"Love ya too." I said and hung up. I nodded at Kayden and he looked irritated. He isn't happy about going back to Warped. He's still worried that they will recognize him. At least he can bring Brandon. He's excited about that. He doesn't want to have to be stuck in a car with four girls. I rolled my eyes and started for the door. I opened the door and tripped coming off the front porch.

"Oh my god are you okay?" Kayden asked bending down next to me.

"Yeah, I just have this sharp pain in my ankle." I said trying to stand up. I hopped on one foot to the car and got it refusing Kayden's help. Ever since the whole 'blaming himself for my cutting' thing he's been very protective of me. Yesterday, right before I was about to get bullied again, Kayden showed up and punched one of them in the face.

I sat in the car rubbing my ankle trying to get the pain to go away.

"Do you need to go to the hospital?" Kayden asked many times.

"No, I'll be fine." I said and went back to switching the music from Pierce The Veil to Black Veil Brides. I was singing along to The Mortician's Daughter, when Kayden pulled up to the school. At least it was the last day or I probably would have gone insane. I opened the door when Kayden parked and got out ignoring the pain in my ankle. I grabbed my backpack and slumped it over my shoulder walking over to my friends. I hugged Whisper who was my best friend here and gave hugs to everyone else.

The day passed quickly amd soon I was in Kayden's car on my way to pick up Lux, Kallie, Kandi, and Ember. As Lux got in the back seat we did our handshake we had since we were 12. We laughed and I turned on some music. Ember got in the car and I smiled at her. She is really freaking awesome. I missed her. I looked at Kayden and he just kept his eyes on the road.

Soon we had picked up Kandi, Kallie, and Brandon and were on our way to see Black Veil Brides. My saviours.

*2 Hours Later*

"We're here!" Kayden exclaimed.

"Finally I'm freaking starving!" Lux yelled. Everyone laughed and Kayden smirked and looked at her in the rearview mirror. She looked back and smiled and blushed.

"I want chocolate!" Ember suddenly yelled causing us to jump.

"Okay. I have to call Ash real quick okay?" I said and got out of the car dialing Ashley's number. After two rings he picked up.

"Hello?" His soothing voice said.

"Hey Ash. We're outside now so could you like come tell the lady at the ticket counter so we don't have to pay?" I said kinda fast because I was really excited. I thought back to the moment Ashley's soft lips touched mine. I longed for his touch once more.

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