I might have had a case of mania yesterday. Requested for medication refill days before Friday and didn't take any medication yesterday. Requested again on Monday. No withdrawals, but definitely a sudden "bright idea" and frantic actions. The disappointment from a year of stress and struggle and conscientiousness.
PTSD, general anxiety, and bipolar.
Happily ever after isn't that important. It's disappointing, but life goes on.
This has been on my mind a lot lately too. The idea of punishing people by treating them the way they would have treated me if I acted the way they did.
On the bright side, I'm healthy, fit-ish, well dressed, and happy. I get enough vitamin C from kiwis ($0.99 each, the skin is edible too). I have nice hair, and I think I look adorable. I have a room in a lovely area, and I'm thriving.
I don't have a tumblr anymore. I haven't had that in almost a year, and no one reads random stream of consciousness on here.
Science FictionHastily written stories with possibly no clear beginning nor end. Absolutely nothing but story outlines and stream of consciousness.