Chapter 2

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Naira's POV

I was currently watching Netflix, when my stomach made a sound, reminding me to feed it.  I was still tired from the flight, packing everything and moving back home, I thought it would be easy but apparently when you've spent like a decade outside your house, it's not easy to pack your life in a suitcase and waltz back home. I chuckled at the word home, it was barely my home.

Another groan from the stomach, and I was out of the bed to find something to eat, it was late, so there were no servants around, it's not like I can't do anything by myself. I put my laptop aside and went to the kitchen which was on the ground floor.

When I was nearing the stairs, I heard two distinct voices, one who barely spoke and another of my brother. My brother and I, he used to call me once a week to check on me unlike my father who just called me once a month, that too for a few seconds. It was still easy to talk to him on phone compared to real life conversation, I know that we both want to get past our awkward stage.

As I descended the stairs, I saw another guy sitting on the barstool with Nick, his tanned skin with his soft messy black hair and his piercing blue eyes and the chiseled jaw....wait what?
Was I checking him out? I shook my thoughts and walked towards the kitchen, not paying any attention to them, until my brother asked for some pasta, well there was that, I gave one last look to the man sitting there, who was listening to my brother and then walked upstairs. Ignorance is bliss, remember Naira.

I resumed my Netflix series while eating the pasta, I love pasta. After a few minutes there was a knock at my door

" Yes, come in" I shouted a little

There was my father standing at the door, I met him when I arrived early morning with all my luggage, we had a brief conversation and then went our ways.

He walked into the room and sat on the couch, I looked at him confusedly.

" How you've been?" His voice softened

" I'm good, dad" I added the last word forcibly, I have nothing against him but that word is just too foreign on my tongue

" If you need anything, just let me know and if I'm not here, tell Nick" he said

I just nodded

" See, I know I've not been a great father to you, but I'm still your dad, so you can tell me anything " he said and got up

" Thankyou dad" I simply said and he walked out closing the door behind him.

I know he was trying, but I still need time.

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