Streamer 3/4

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A/N: ...I can explain. So... it's been a month where I kinda lost the will to write for a lot but I'm back! Expect extra updates the next two weeks because as an apology (and cuz I'm visiting family and won't have service all the time) I'm prewriting some more stories!

You expected to never see the helpful customer again. She wasn't anyone you'd seen before and you doubted she'd come back after what had happened, but you were wrong. Since that first shift, she'd become a bit of a regular.

Even on the nights you didn't work the register and were stocking, you'd see her. She'd always come up to you with a smile, asking where something was or needing help. Every single time, something inside you would activate some intense feelings of deja vu. You swore you knew her from somewhere, maybe one of your mom's work parties?

Either way, the days continued. After school you'd work til closing and on weekends you'd work the whole day. Without fail, you'd see her at some point, unless you were in the back. And even though she provided a small reprieve from the normal condescending and outright rude patrons, something about her made you squirm a little.

Maybe it was the way she appeared every single shift without fail. Maybe it was the strange smile on her face when she thought you weren't looking. Or maybe you were just going crazy from being treated like an equal for once. On the bright side, you never saw the pea man again. Seriously, who gets that attached to a brand of frozen peas?

Everything was fine until you were on your way home one night. You were too young to drive, a couple of months away from getting your learners permit, so you biked. You had lights and wore a reflective vest because it was dark but some people are clearly blind because you still got side swiped by a car, which then sped off as you tumbled from your bike.

Thankfully, someone helped you and you were taken to the hospital for a broken arm and some road burn from where you'd tumbled. By the time your mom was able to pick you up, the problems with having a business woman for a mom, you were just exhausted.

You sent a text to Chad, telling him you'd be off for at least two days because of your arm. Of course he was understanding and promised to break it to Karen for you. Then you collapsed into bed.

You woke up the next morning to a note from your mom that she'd excused you from school for the next couple of days. Smart of her, because it was nearly 3 PM and the school day would've already been over

When you checked your phone you also saw a few texts from Chad. You didn't think much of it, clumsily trying to eat some leftovers with one hand before you looked them over.

>Hey Y/N 2:28PM
>Some lady came in today asking about you 2:28PM
>Got a weird vibe so I just told her that you were in the back 2:29PM
>Be safe, ok? 2:29PM

Your mind immediately jumped to the strange woman. She had asked about you? That was odd and only made you even more uncomfortable. You thanked Chad before lying back in bed and trying to find some chill gaming stream or something. When you stumbled across your regular streamer, 'LadyInRed'.

It was only when you clicked onto her stream when your heart began to race. That was where you recognized your regular from! They had the same voice, and the same speaking pattern. Not to mention since she'd become a regular, she never streamed during your shift. Instead, you'd listen to old streams that you'd missed while working.

The thing was, you weren't sure what to do with that information. It would feel wrong to just confront her about it so you decided to let sleeping dogs lie next time you saw her.


"Y/N, you're on register until your arm heals. I don't want you hurting yourself further." Chad all but ordered you when you showed up for your next shift. Your arm was wrapped in a white cast and you were still getting used to not using it. Either way, you took up your position at the register.

It was a calm day, for a Saturday. Even when Chad left and Karen took over, it was rather quiet. You were trying to subtly turn up the volume of the song you were listening to on your phone when you heard a shocked gasp. Thinking it was Karen, your head shot up ready with an excuse, but it wasn't. Instead, it was your regular, staring in horror at your cast and sling.

"Oh dear! What happened to you?! Should you be working right now?" She asked, which felt a little strange to have a stranger care so much.

"It was a small accident. My doctor said as long as I don't use it, I'm fine to continue working." You explained. "I might be a little slower so if you want to be checked out faster you can go to one of the other registers or self checkout."

"Oh you poor dear, I don't mind at all." As she began to load her groceries onto the belt she continued talking. "You got into an accident?"

"Yeah. I got side swiped by a car while biking home. It was a hit and run but someone saw and called an ambulance for me."

"That's absolutely horrible! Don't your parents drive you home? I'm pretty sure this store is open until at least 10 or 11, there's no way it's safe for you to be biking home." She said. You just sighed as you began to scan her groceries.

"My mom is in corporate business and works a lot. But I like biking home and nothing bad ever happened before then." You said, beginning to ring her up. She hadn't bought much, just some tea and a brand of snack you'd happened to like. "Your total is $10.47, will that be cash or card?"

"Card please. Are you sure you don't need a ride? With your arm it can't be easy to bike." She offered.

"It's fine. I already asked one of my coworkers for a ride. Get home safe, miss."

"Thank you. You get home safe too, okay? It's not safe for someone your age to be biking home at night alone." With that she took the bag containing her groceries and left the store, leaving you with a strange gut feeling.

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