•Chapter 1•

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"Y/n! Come on we're going to be late for the train!" Harry yells as I try to grab my trunk and owl.

We make it onto platforms 9 3/4 right next to Hermione and Ron.

Hermione goes first, followed by Ron, I'm expecting Harry goes next but instead he steps back.

"Harry, why aren't you going?" I ask looking behind. "You go first, I wanna see you and make sure you get there nice" He says. I smile at the gesture and go through the brick wall.

Not so long after Harry joins me. We go onto the train and find the compartment with Ron and Hermione.

"Is he asleep?" Harry asks walking in. "Seems like it," Hermione replies.

"Who is that anyway?" Ron asks worried.

"Professor R.J Lupin" Hermione answer, I see where she's eyeing at and it's the bag above his head.

"How do you know that? How is it she knows everything?" Ron asks me and Harry in disbelief.

"Oh you, daft dimbo, it says it on his trunk" I say pointing to where Hermione was eyeing.

I hear Ron make an 'ohhh' sound and sit down, I ignore it and sit next to Harry while Hermione and Ron sit next to eachother.

"Anyways, me and y/n have something to tell you" Harry says closing the compartment door.

Me and Harry take turns telling the story even though, like always Harry steals the spotlight and cuts me off.

I sit there quietly while Hermione and Ron listen in. Once they finish telling the story and talking ably other things I end up falling asleep on Harry's shoulder.

I wake up to the whole train getting darker and cold, and I'm pretty sure the train starts shaking.

I see a black shadowy ghost come in and start sucking life or, it's sound out of Harry. Then another one appears, it starts doing the same to me.

It felt like all the light in my life was being taken away, all alone..all by myself with no reason to live.

I hear the professor stand up and say some curse but I'm not quite sure what it was, all I know is I heard a women yelling "Harry! Y/n" in the distance.

I wake up shortly after Harry, "w-what happened?" I asks regaining consciousness. "You fainted, here have some chocolate. It helps. Now if you excuse me I will go talk to the driver" The professor says walking away.

"Are you guys okay?" Hermione asks me and Harry. "I'm fine, but I think I'm going to head to the bathroom.

"Y/n you can't, you're still probably dizzy" Ron said worried. "It's fine, if I need any help I'll call Hermione name" I say winking and going to the bathroom.

As I'm past the boys restroom I accidentally bump into someone.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry" I say looking up to see the one and only, Draco Malfoy.


"Watch where you're going-" Draco says but pauses when he sees me.

Now wait and watch for an insult in




"Oh, Pottah it's you, say, I saw you and your brother in the compartment completely passed out. Were  you just sleeping or did you faint, like I mean you actually fainted?!" Draco  says laughing at the fact I fainted.

See, insult.

"Put a sock in it Malfoy, you have no idea what happened before that." I say crossing one arm over the other across my chest.

"You're right, I don't. But from what I saw you and your stupid twin brother fainted!" Malfoy said walking away. I roll my eyes and start walking forward until the train stopped, it got cold again. But this time colder than before, and darker.

I fell backwards into Malfoy and fell on top of him. "Hey—" Malfoy says until he realizes the position I'm in with him.

"Oh... I see, see something you like?" Malfoy asks pulling my face closer.

"Ew! No. Not in a million years!" I said disgusted. I tried getting up but Draco pulled me back down.

"Draco let me go!" I yelled trying to break free from his arms, he shushed me quietly, when I quieted down he whisper low enough for me to hear.

"There's dementors on the bus, unless you want to experience what you did before I suggest you stay low and be quiet."

That's weird, when did Draco start caring for me? Last time I saw him, he wanted to destroy me and my brother.

But I've got to say, ever since he found out in first year, I was a slytherin he's been more rude towards Harry than me.

I do feel bad on our first day here, before the sorting hat ceremony.



"So the rumors are true than!" A platinum blonde boy yells from the left.

"Harry and y/n potter, have come to Hogwarts.." The boy says looking around. Other kids are chattering in the background

"This is Crab, and Goyal. And I'm Malfoy" He takes a step up to me and Harry.

"Draco Malfoy." He finishes. From my right I hear Ron snicker at the name.

Draco's head snaps towards the red headed boy.

"Think my names funny do you? There's no need to ask for yours! Red hair, and a hand me down robe. You must be a Weasley" Draco said making Ron's mood sink down, which he did with his head too.

Draco's attention turns back to me and Harry.

"You'll soon find out that some wizardIng families are better than others potters. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort." Draco says eyeing Ron, which makes him tilt his head down even more.

"I can help you there," Draco takes two hands out for us to shake. Just as I'm about to shake it Harry speaks up.

"I'm sure we can manage that on our own, thanks" Harry says which makes Draco feel bad.

Soon the ceremony starts. Surprise I'm a slytherin! And my brothers a gryffindor.

End of flashback:


"Y/n! Y/!" Draco calls and I look back up at him.

"Hm?" I ask.

"The dementors are gone. Can you please get off my lap?" He whispers in a harsh tone.

"Right, sorry" I say getting up and wiping myself off before extending a hand for Draco to help up, of course he doesn't take it and walks away.

I shrug and walk back to the compartment like nothing happened

"Y/n finnaly! What took you so long?" Hermione asks bombarding me with questions.

I shrug. "Nothing, went to the bathroom, did my buisness and came back" I said leaning back into the seats reading a book.

Hermione muffles a "mhm" but I shrug it off continuing my book.

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