Chapter 2

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We made it to Hogwarts, everyone, but the first years are sent to the great Hall to watch them be sorted, I say my goodbyes to Hermione, Ron, and Harry before walking over to the slithering table. 

Just as I'm walking over there, my best friend Pansy Parkinson runs and jumps into my arms.

"Hey bestiee!!!" Pansy practically yells, jumping around.

"Heyy! I missed you!" I said, matching her energy.

"We have so much to catch up on!" Pansy says as we walk to sit.

My other are best friends Daphne GreenGrass and Theodore Nott. I'm not exactly as close to the other slytherins but them.

Daphne and Theo are sitting at the table saving two seats for us. Me and Pansy sit down. "Hey y/n!" Daphne says giving me a side hug.

Tracey sits across from me, next to theo.

"What's up potter" theo says trying to create a random handshake with me.

I chuckle as I try to get the handshake right. "We'll work on that" theo says leaving back. "Right" I say laughing.

I notice Draco walking past us and side eyeing me?

That's weird. It's not like he doesn't usually give me looks, he does. But why does this one feel like he is trying to say something with his eyes?

"Hey y/n what's on your mind?" Daphne edges my arm lightly. My head is buried in my arms when she nudges me, instead of looking confused.

"Oh, nothing." I say, keeping my answers short. "Mhm sure" Pansy says knowing very well I'm keeping a secret.

"So do you girls know who you're sharing a dormitory with?" Theo asks. "Mhm we're all snarling together." I say brightly.

"No surprise" Theo says, clicking his tongue and teeth.

Just then, the first years come out. Professor McGonagall takes a step up holding a clipboard.

She starts off by saying the same speech every year. Then finally, she starts going through names during this, it's super boring so we all have a tiny side conversation. We get up and clap every time we hear slytherin.

Finally, after an hour or so, Dumbledore announces that we can finally eat one by one we start grabbing food and placing it on our plates.

I'm super excited because the food is super good here too!

I I'm in a conversation with everyone about our summer and the fun things that have happened sadly for me. All I could say was new foster home switch every often every so often.

I felt Daphne run my back at my mood, slowly, falling into a frown at the mention of having to move foster homes.

"Anyways, I'm super excited. We have Hagrid as our new care of magical creatures teacher." I say, changing the subject.

Everyone else has an expression on their face. "Oh come on, Hagrid's nice!"

"Y/n be lucky Draco isn't over here. If he was he'd be insulting Hagrid constantly." Theo says, shaking his head.

" I just don't get how you don't like him." I say, taking a bite out of my food. " well we've never interacted with him." Says grabbing more food for herself.

" Parkinson, don't you think you had a bit too much food?" Theo jokes, taking a chicken wing off her plate.

Pansy takes it offensively trying to come up with a snarky remark.

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