Chapter 4

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After Draco walked out on us the mood in our room shifted. Blaise and Theo helped me and the girls clean up the mess of our pillow fight and walked to go back to their dorm.

Surprisingly they told me Draco isn't sharing a dorm with Crabbe and Goyle this year. Instead he's sharing it with them.

Me and the girls go back to doing what we were originally doing. Our homework.

Once I finish my DADA homework I go to the bathroom we share and take a shower and change into pjs. Pansy is finished with her DADA homework and started with her Potions homework.

"So," Daphne says sitting crisscrossed on her bed

"What did he smell like?" She says quirking an eyebrow at me.

"What did who smell like?" I say dumbfounded.

Daphne sighs and glances at Pansy who stopped her homework to see what I would say.

"You know, Draco. Did he smell good, did he have B.O?" Daphne explains.

Huh.. I didn't really think about what he smelt like but every time I think of what happened on the train when I fell on his lap, potions class when he pushed me, or when he backed me up against the tree. He smelt.... Like apples.

Granny Smith apples to be exact. I guess it's because I always see him eating them. He also smelt like rich cologne and minty...

"Well, he smelt like..." I pause thinking if the right words. "Minty, rich cologne, and a dash of granny's smith apples." I say unsure.

"Was it comforting?" Pansy asks. I shrug. "I wasn't really focused on how good he smells. I was more focused on the proximity.

Pansy and Daphne give an annoyed sigh and go back to doing their own thing as I go to sleep.


Today in potions we are learning about Amortentia. Hermione gratefully answered what is was for us. According to her it was, "The most powerful love potion to exist, smelling different to what each person is attracted to."

Snape is calling up everyone in by one until it's my turn.

"Y/n Potter." He calls dryly. Everyone makes room for me to step up and tell them what I smell.

I sniff the potion thinking.


"Um... I-I" I start stuttering. I glance to Draco and see him staring intensely at me. He raises an eyebrow and I sigh.

"I smell, mint, a-and rich cologne. With a tint of apples. Granny Smith apples to be exact." I say glancing at Professor Snape to see if he's satisfied. He nods in dismissal for me and calls up Draco.

Draco's sniffs then looks at me.

"I smell, sweetness, something so warm you want to take it all for yourself. I also smell a bit of vanilla sir." Draco says and as Snape dismisses him he glances at me.

Professor Snape talks about the potion making us write things down to memories for an upcoming test.

Once he dismisses us I ditch Daphne who shares the class with me and walks to the dorms. Just as I'm about to reach the common room someone grabs me and covers my mouth to muffle my screaming.

I sniff and smell, Draco.

I push his arms off me once he's locked the storage closet. We're in a tight space out chests nearly touching.

"What the hell draco?!" I whisper yell.

"Were you lying?" He asks quietly.

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