Chapter 4: Sneaky Girl

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The next morning, I awake to the sound of my cell door opening. To my surprise, my maid, Amelia, stands before me, a relieved expression on her face.

"Miss Nicole, I'm so glad I was able to get you out of here. Come, let's get you home," she says, helping me to my feet.

As we exit the police station, I see the rest of my friends - Estelle, Jessica, Fredrick, Yohan, and Justin - all waiting outside, looking just as relieved as I feel.

"Nic! You're out!" Estelle exclaims, rushing over to give me a tight hug. The others quickly join in, and for a moment, the weight of last night's events seems to lift.

"I can't believe Amelia managed to bail us all out," I say, looking around at my friends. "How did she even pull that off?"

Estelle shakes her head in disbelief. "That woman is a miracle worker. I don't know how she did it, but I'm so grateful."

As we make our way back to my family's estate, a mix of emotions swirls within me. Relief, of course, but also a lingering sense of guilt and uncertainty about the consequences we may still face.

"I hope we don't get in too much trouble with our parents," Jessica murmurs, voicing the concern that I know we're all feeling.

Justin sighs heavily. "Me too. Last night was supposed to be a night of fun, but it all went so wrong."

I nod in agreement, knowing that the fallout from this incident is far from over. But for now, I'm just grateful to be out of that jail cell and surrounded by my closest friends.

"Well, whatever happens, we'll face it together," I say, mustering a small smile. "And Amelia, thank you for everything. I don't know what we'd do without you."

The maid returns my smile, her eyes shining with pride. "Of course, Miss Nicole. I'm just glad I could help. Now, let's get you all home"

Amelia and I finally arrive back at my family's estate, a sense of relief washing over me. As we step inside, I'm eager to change out of the clothes I wore to the ill-fated party.

"Amelia, I'm going to go upstairs and change," I say, already making my way towards the stairs. "My parents aren't home yet, are they?"

Amelia shakes her head, "No, Miss Nicole, your parents haven't returned home yet. They're still out."

"Phew, that's a relief," I breathe, quickening my pace. The last thing I want is for my parents to see me like this, fresh out of a jail cell. I can only imagine the lecture and disappointment they'd have in store for me.

Once upstairs, I quickly shed the rumpled clothes and change into something more comfortable and appropriate. As I do so, I can't help but replay the events of last night in my mind. The panic, the officers storming in, the handcuffs - it all seems like a surreal nightmare.

I take a few deep breaths, trying to calm my nerves. At least I'm safe at home now, away from the chaos. And with the help of my ever-reliable maid, Amelia, I was able to get out of that situation without my parents finding out. For now, anyway.

Just as I'm finishing up, I hear the front door open downstairs. My heart leaps in my chest, and I freeze, straining to listen. Voices drift up - it's my parents, finally home.

"Phew, they're here," I whisper to myself, relief washing over me once more. I quickly finish changing and head downstairs to greet them, hoping I can somehow convince them that nothing is amiss.

I let out a lighthearted chuckle as I think about how I managed to avoid my parents finding out about the incident. Amelia, my ever-reliable maid, really came through for me in bailing me out and helping me sneak back home undetected.

"Can you believe it, Amelia?" I say, shaking my head in disbelief. "I was so worried my parents would find out, but thanks to you, I got home without a hitch."

Amelia smiles warmly. "I'm just glad I could help, Miss Nicole. As your loyal maid, it's my duty to ensure you're well taken care of, no matter the circumstances."

I give her arm an affectionate squeeze. "Well, you certainly went above and beyond this time. I don't know what I'd do without you."

The door swung open and I greeted them first, "Mom, Dad, I'm so glad you're home," I say, greeting them enthusiastically. "Do you have any news to share?"

My father nods, a smile spreading across his face. "As a matter of fact, we do. Your grandmother, Rosemarie, is coming home from the US soon."

"Grandma Rosemarie?" I exclaim, my eyes lighting up. "That's wonderful news! When is she arriving?"

"We're hoping she'll be back within the next month," my mother chimes in. "And we wanted to do something special to welcome her home."

"What is it?" I ask, leaning in with curiosity.

"Well," my father continues, "we've decided to renovate the swimming pool, so that when Grandma arrives, she can relax and unwind in the water."

I clap my hands together excitedly. "That's such a thoughtful idea! I'm sure Grandma will be thrilled."

My mother places a hand on my shoulder. "We're glad you're excited about it. The renovations will be starting by tomorrow, so there will be some workers around the house for a few weeks."

"I don't mind at all," I assure them. "I'll make sure to stay out of their way and let them work their magic on the pool. I just can't wait to see Grandma again."

My father nods approvingly. "That's our girl. We knew we could count on you to be cooperative and patient during the renovations."

I beam at my parents, the previous night's incident seemingly forgotten. The prospect of my grandmother's return and the pool renovations has me filled with nothing but joy and anticipation.

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