Enid had a crush on Wednesday

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The next morning right back at the Enid and Wednesday dorm room Enid felt that someone was touching her cheek she woke up from her sleep and realized that Wednesday was staring at me as I woke up from the bed and asked him if he was okay or feeling better.

Wednesday: good morning Enid how is your sleep I'm sorry to touch your cheek without asking you but are you sure you are okay

Enid: yes I am sure I feel okay but why did you ask me that question before you know me I like to be with my roommate

Wednesday: because your face is kind of red as you are blushing just as I touch your face

Before Enid woke up from Wednesday's bed and went back to the bathroom and took a shower as he waited for his turn to take a shower from the male dorm where Ajax, Xavier, and Kent were inside the shower.

Wednesday: Thing you stay here while I take my shower back at the male dorm and keep an eye on Enid for me

Thing "You got Wednesday and I will stay here with her while she finishes her shower"

Wednesday: thanks Thing and I will be right back let me take my clothes and go downstairs to the male dorm shower *he had left the dorm*

Before Wednesday had left the dorm and went Enid had finished her shower back inside her dorm she came out from the bathroom and saw that Wednesday wasn't there at his desk I noticed that Thing was there just as Enid wanted to ask where he had to go early before she went to the bathroom.

Enid: Thing where is Wednesday?

Thing "Wednesday went to take his shower back at the male dorm and don't worry he said that to me he will return here"

Enid: hey...Thing can I ask you something about Wednesday I'm sure you noticed that too right after I hid my feelings toward him

Once Wednesday had reached the male dorm two of the Nevermore students could see that Wednesday was there to take his shower while removing his clothes they could much battle scars on his back they could see that he had some incredible muscle on his body from making them super jealous right now.

Ajax: dude how many scars did you have on your back I heard that you saved your roommate from getting stabbed by the fencing sword on your body

Xavier: I hope you are fine but can I ask you something about your roommate is she a werewolf who can't wolf out as if she were a lone wolf

Wednesday: yes I notice that too pretty well but can I take my shower with some privacy here thank you

After a few hours, Wednesday finished his shower and back to go and change into Nevermore's uniform black and white color his hair was dark black his nails were painted black and he was wearing a necklace that his mother had given to him right before they had left him at the academy to have much more future that he hold on right now.

Wednesday: I'm back from the shower and Thing-

Enid: Wednesday...we need to talk to you about us and Thing had agreed with me to tell you that I have some answers for you to reply back

Wednesday: sure of course but what did you want to talk about to me is what the reason

Without any sound coming from Enid or Wednesday she walks closer to him while Enid bumps into Wednesday's arm and out of the blue, Wednesday has his vision that shows him that Enid and Wednesday are going to the Raven dance together as everyone is staring at us with are were a super outfit that they were completely in shock by us as we were walking down the stairs.

Enid: Wednesday...are you okay? Look like your eyes were in shock I thought your pain was still in recovery from what happened when Bianca fencing sword at your hips are you sure you are okay and feeling good

Wednesday: Thing please explain to Enid why am I like that I was about to say something through my mind along with her beside me

Thing "Enid what Wednesday wanted to say to you as he had some kind of psychic ability to see in his vision example that you were bumped into his arm and he can see what is coming next to his vision"

Before Thing had explained to Enid why he had some vision of her since he can control his ability to see what is coming next Enid here is worried about his recovery from the pain that cost his life to save me from fencing class where the top queen bee Bianca where everyone else around the room.

Wednesday: I got a vision of you asking me out for Raven to dance as my partner but I do you had a crush on me since I did share the dorm with a girl and yes I will accept you as my girlfriend Enid Sinclair

Enid: wait...did you mean that to be your boyfriend at the end of the school semester and we can other about are dating experience as they have to wait for the Raven dance

Wednesday: Enid may I kiss you right now as the moment of truth that you want to kiss me right now inside the dorm

Meanwhile, Yoko and Bianca want to go and check on Wednesday's condition that he had saved his roommate's life from getting hurt by Bianca's fencing sword while they were right in front of their dorm door Yoko Bianca opened the door and they could see that both of them were had dark feeling with each other as Enid and Wednesday were kissing onto his and her lips inside at the dorm went they were close back and went downstairs back to the Pentagon squad and tell other that Enid and Wednesday were had their time moment with together as one loved that he shared with her the most of all times.

Male Wednesday x Enid (wenclair)Where stories live. Discover now