Wednesday took a sliver bullet from Xavier

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Right after Wednesday had taken a silver bullet from Xavier has back at the Nevermore Academy and had heard a gunshot near the abandoned woods where Xavier and Wednesday at.

Enid: wait...I heard some gunshots both of them were going to be okay right

Thing signed" Gabriel what did you sense something is wrong on Wednesday"

Gabriel: yes he does but I think they shit him with a sliver bullet compare with the sliver arrow

Meanwhile, Wednesday had to force himself to stand up against the mysterious coat person as he can see that Addams can't die or kill with the sliver bullet but next is his turn to finish them in one blow while Xavier has to help him stand and help his right hand to control his vision and put them to deep sleep inside their nightmare and can't disturb the Addams ever again.

Xavier: Wednesday...take an easy you got shot with the sliver bullet onto your black heart

Wednesday: don't worry about me Xavier come on let go and meet with others back at the Nevermore

Xavier: wait...are you sure you want to force yourself to go and walk back there with your injured wounds

Once both of them had arrived at the Nevermore Academy and then they were teleported back to the previous day went Wednesday was having her nightmare back at his dorm room with Enid.

Wednesday: where are we at Xavier I think we had been teleported somewhere back where had been started

Xavier: don't worry Wednesday you can control your vision and return us to the present day back at the Nevermore

Wednesday: maybe I can try but who the hell is that person standing beside those trees *point at the tree*

Finally, Wednesday goes back to the present day back to the real Nevermore Academy and later everyone can see that both of them have reached back to the abandoned woods but there is someone here injured on his black heart where he wants me to see his wolf girlfriend back to the dorm room where she is waiting for him along with his parent.

Weems: welcome back again and please let me help carry Wednesday back to his room thank you, Xavier

Xavier: sure anytime as much Wednesday save me from getting shot with the sliver bullet at his black heart

Weems: please go back to your room while I take him back to see Enid with Gabriel

Before Principal Weems reached the dorm room she opened the door and both of them could see that Wednesday had shot into his heart with a silver bullet in his chest.

Weems: please take good care of your boyfriends Enid and Gabriel help take the sliver bullet out from Wednesday's body

Gabriel: hey...Wednesday you are okay just keep breathing slowly went I help you out

Wednesday: okay...Cousin I will but I want Enid beside me went she can take hold of my hand and while I scream in pain when you take out the sliver bullet from my chest, Addams

Later inside the dorm room where Wednesday was holding Enid's hand, she could feel like her boyfriend was going to shout from inside his chest that Gabriel had taken out the sliver bullet from his body he take that sliver bullet out from his body now he is feeling okay but he had to rest for today and weeks days while he can recover from the pain that he had on his chest as he had a bullet scar on his chest.

Wednesday: Gabriel and Thing can you both leave us alone I want to have some alone time with Enid I miss her

Gabriel: sure of course come on Thing let go and have their alone time with each other and take some rest well

Wednesday: thanks Addams I missed you that much but now I don't want to talk about those past days when I had been kidnapped by them just I want to listen to your thoughts with me inside here Enid

Both Gabriel and Thing were leaving the dorm room they went back downstairs and saw that Xavier was back there with Principal Weems who had talked to him about Wednesday's conditioning that made him want to recover soon or later.

Gabriel: hey...Xavier what did you guys talking about here

Xavier: so how is Wednesday were doing so far with Enid alone inside the dorm room

Gabriel: he was feeling fine and just needed some time with Enid you know him right he misses her making out with him back in the dorm room alone

Inside the dorm room where both of them were facing each other face Enid and Wednesday touched Enid's beating heart so did she touch his weak heart that she wanted to stay by his side until she could have some tears coming from her eyes.

Wednesday: Enid...don't cry I will be right here beside you and please comfort me tight

Enid: Wednesday...I had missed your making out with me but at least I want to do that one last time before I let you rest

Wednesday: Enid...I do miss your wet fucking pussy inside of mine but can you do the honour to reveal my huge hard cock

Without any sound coming from Enid and then she reveal his huge hard cock below his black pant that she want to put on her wolf pussy they want get to go and fucked with each other every time went they had missed him.

Wednesday: Enid...please suck my fucking cock that hard and I will make it cum

Enid: Wednesday...I will be started sucking your cock went we had a chance to cum inside my pussy

Wednesday: Enid...may I put inside your pussy and I will sure you I will do my best to keep us alive and take my breath into slow progress

In the meantime, Wednesday was putting his cock inside of his wolf girlfriend's pussy as much as next door can hear them making out inside the dorm room while it was Bianca and Yoko had listened to their sex conversation between each other while both they were moaning and panicking breathing so heavily as they were about to finish their sex and later Wednesday is knocked out from having sex with Enid who is here seeing that her boyfriend was knocked from have sex with Enid and she just helped wearing something to cover his naked below with his pants and she was sleeping onto of Wednesday's chest as they were sleeping as they waited for tomorrow if he felt okay with everything that happened between them and who wanted to get them apart from their relationship.

Male Wednesday x Enid (wenclair)Where stories live. Discover now