Trevor and Ajax help Drake find his soulmate Part 1

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Meanwhile, back at the Nevermore Academy, someone is going to ask Drake for something to get his soulmate as a couple who are been lonely just in years later Trevor and Ajax find him to have a soulmate for himself as Gabriel sees his brother feeling so bad sad at all the time.

Drake: what's wrong with me and why can I find someone to like me back anywhere

Trevor: don't worry about that we can help you out with your soulmate as promised right, Ajax

Ajax: yes that but I think you can find someone to love you for sure but what about her maybe

Once Ajax had to point Enid behind her back and it was Divina who was a siren the same as Bianca who had been dating Drake's pet his name was Junior and now they were dating each other as others could see that both of them were holding their hand while walking by us.

Drake: what about her I don't think it could work but I am the demon you know right Ajax

Ajax: yes I know that but at least give her a try to get to know you better now tell your name to her *Ajax pushed Drake toward Divina*

Divina: sorry but what did you want from me and Ajax please force him to date me please and you didn't know that I am lesbian right

Before Divina had to walk away from that jerk trying to find Drake's soulmate later on Ajax and Trevor around and saw that Drake wasn't there back at the squad with half of the students.

Ajax: where did he go to right now

Trevor: Drake!!! Where are you right now please come out from whatever you were hiding behind the tree

Gabriel: my brother wasn't here and you did scare him away don't worry about him and let him take any second to think

In the meantime, Drake was up in the clouds as he was floating up in the sky to clear his mind and suddenly, there was someone from below the ground it was Wednesday and Enid was having some fun together with each other as Enid could spot someone who was up there looking down on the ground floor.

Enid: that Drake and why did he up there alone

Wednesday: relax he just needs some time to be alone for himself just let go back inside the dorm shall we Enid

Enid: okay but are you sure he is okay alone by himself when he knows that he is okay by himself and does not need anyone with him by his side

While Wednesday and Enid were leaving Drake behind and just let him have his moment for once and let him have some alone time just himself in the sky as someone thinks that he finally knows who he wants with his side and he will go back to somewhere back to Earth-39 to visit his old friend that gets reject but she didn't know that he was become the dark demon by himself again.

Drake: woah...wait did I return to Earth-39 where Lena Luthor was but why am I inside the DEO anywhere damn it fuck

Winn: what is all the loud noise can you quit down I was trying to get some sleep here

Drake: wait...are you Winn and where can I find Lena Luthor's office can you please

Suddenly, Winn woke up from his sleep and saw that there was someone who was there and saw that he was here kind of lost and suddenly that was supergirl along with her human sister Alex and with her boss who had to create the anti-suit for her to wear them and she will not have passed out from the kryptonite.

Supergirl: oh my god Winn are you okay did he hurt you or something

Winn: he not hurt me but he think kind lost and where the hell is his boy parent anywhere went he came with just a few second of time

Supergirl: wait...I know who the boy's parent is it is the Flash son who is here without his parent who are here looking for him went he can jump into different Earth

Suddenly, Lena Luthor just moved Kara away from her as she could see that he was alive more than the great good body but why did he come here without any sound had he been coming here on back at the Earth-39 to her again?

Lena: it can't be right I thought my brother killed you but why did you return from the dead, Addams

Drake: yes and no answer for you but can we talk in private just two of us, please

Lena: sure of course but why are you coming back from Earth-39 and did you sign something strange contract to sell you to a real demon are you

A few hours later Drake Addams Sinclair had to transform into an actual real demon right in front of everyone later Lena Luthor can see that her ex-fiancé had become more demon form like she was super under control of his body and was some abs on his body shape.

Winn: what just happened here and did he just turn into a real demon-like are you okay Lena

Lena: yes I am please stop showing your real demon form to humans and they can control your power of that demon eye on you

Drake: sorry but nice to see you again but I need to head back to where I was from to my siblings and if you want to join me and leave your company if not then you could lose your opportunity to be with me again where I was back with you like old times Lena *his spread his demon wing getting to fly*

When Drake was walking over to the DEO balcony and getting ready to fly up into the sky suddenly, Lena was dragged by his arms he turned around and faced her while Supergirl agreed with her boss had to go back to where they were dating and never return to Earth-39 much as Lena wanted to learn more about her ex-fiancé becoming his husband someday today Drake brought Lena back to a school but not just any normal school it was the outcast school and it was called Nevermore Academy the students possessed the strange power within them.

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