The alarm 2

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This chapter will have most of the characters I haven't really given dialogue or added such at Lizzy, petunia, Abbie, Lana, Kevin and bubbles along with Mr Demi.

The next morning you woke up thanks to the loud ass school bell, annoyed, you got up along with the other girls you shared the room with. You all got ready for the day.

The day started off with the usual, you got 5th place on the charts while Oliver got first, Edward got second and zip got 3rd. Abbie failed or got close to failing most of the classes, he got chased by bloomie after failing her class. When reaching the exit he got shot in the hand, making him fall to the floor clutching his hand. Lucky for him miss circle stopped miss bloomie since they were now banned from hurting students and she didn't want him to tell miss grace. So Abbie got away as Engel helps bandages Abbie's wound. Abbie was bing timid and shy per usual.

Lizzy and petunia were nearby chatting about random stuff, bubbles joining in on the conversation which slowly turned into one about taking pictures and etc.

They took a few, maybe took so kick that Lizzy was buried in photos while bubbles and petunia try to dig her out. You hear Lizzy muffled calling for help.


Petunia is trying to dig her out.


Bubbles is standing nearby concerned before approaching.

Bubbles: "we might need a shovel..."

Petunia: "that would be a good idea..."

Bubbles: "hang on lizzy me and petunia are gonna get a shovel!"

Lizzy: muffled "OKAY!"

They went to get a shovel. While you and Lana talked about normal stuff, Annie was sitting near her being taciturn and non communicative.

(For those who don't know what taciturn is, it's when someone doesn't really talk or reserved which means they aren't loud)

Lana: "so y/n, how was your day?"

You: "it was good, yours?"

Lana: "it's been nice!"

You: "that's good."

There was a Pause.

Lana: "sooo...I heard you liked drawing"

You: "yeah"

Lana: "I heard people say it helps with stress-"

You: "not really, it just makes you more frustrated  when you can't get the body or head right"

Lana: "That makes since"

You guys continued talking as petunia and bubbles return with a big ass shovel(totally did not steal it from mr Demi). They began shoveling Lizzy out, they finally got Lizzy out and she was gasping for air the moment they got her out and helped her up. They started organizing all 400 photos and saying which owns they don't like.

Lizzy: "most of these photos are good...besides this one" (she holds up a photo on a bird flying by and shitting which would land on her after...)

Petunia started giggling. Bubbles looked concerned.

Bubbles: "did you...wash it out?"

Lizzy: "DUH, why would I leave bird shit in my hair..?"

Bubbles: "that's good."

(I regret writing that)

Kevin seemed to be yapping science stuff to Edward who looked like he about to passed out.

Kevin: (nerd voice) "There are some Ice Age animals that are so perfectly preserved in permafrost that scientists have been able to find them still with all their soft tissue, hair, and organs. They even found a couple mammoths that still had liquid blood in them and I remember one scientist even tasting the mammoth meat. Also there was a mummy found in China that was so well preserved that she still had all her skin, hair, organs, etc. Her body was even flexible that you could bend her limbs as if she was alive. They even found her last meal still in her stomach and could perform an autopsy on her to tell you why she died. She died over 2000 years before she was found.." (I found this on Reddit)

Edward: "uh-huh..." he's clearly dosing off.

Kevin: "are you listening-"

Edward: "yeah..." he would regret saying that-

Kevin: (continues yapping)


Sorry for this being a short chapter I ran out of ideas, and cried to VioletBodner  for helping me realize a barely gave some characters dialogue-

Sorry for this being a short chapter I ran out of ideas, and cried to VioletBodner  for helping me realize a barely gave some characters dialogue-

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I'll finish this chapter tomorrow if I don't forget-

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