~Chapter 11~

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~Saturday September 13th~

After my first week at college me and the girls decided to meet up at a local coffee shop to discuss the week. As we nestled into the cozy corner of the local coffee shop at the Grove, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the sound of light chatter, I began to recount my first week's experiences.

"So, how were the classes, Em? As tough as they say?" Katrina asked, sipping her iced macchiato.

I shook my head, a confident smile playing on my lips. "Honestly, not really. I was expecting worse, but I've got this." Tara nodded, "That's because you're basically a genius, girl."

"exactly, you could literally be Einstein if you wanted to." Devyn said.

The conversation took a turn when I mentioned Malia. "she's just... always around Colby, you know? It's like she's doing it just to get under my skin."

Devyn rolled her eyes, "Malia and Colby are ancient history. Why bother?"

I sighed, "That's not even the half of it. Colby has been on my case since day one. Always arguing, teasing me, it's just annoying, I can't even do my work without him being a jerk."

The girls exchanged glances. "Why do you think he's like that with you?" Tara asked, genuinely puzzled. "I don't know! He's just been so rude, and a complete brute." I confessed, frustration evident in my voice.

I chuckled unamused as I threw my head back, "and then he wanted to act all sorry and acted like he wanted to be my friend yesterday at the library. What kind of fake ass is he? We worked on some project together, doesn't mean we're friends now. I still can't trust him." I stated

Katrina leaned in and sighed, "Em, after you two did that project, he came back to the house really upset. He felt terrible about how he treated you. he said he was sorry to us."

I raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "Really? I don't buy it. That's the same shit he pulled on me at the library."

The girls exchange glances of pleading, "Give him a chance, Em. He's a sweetheart, deep down. Just not great with new people," Katrina encouraged.

"I don't know...? What if he's just fixing it to save his own ass? Besides, if I do forgive him, it could and will take me a long while to get over what he said to me."

Devyn leaned and took my hand, "of course, but look, we love you, and we love Colby. We've lived with him for years and we can honestly tell you that he's a great guy deep down."

Katrina chimed in, "yeah, He's just had a really hard time the past couple years. Between his dad forcing him to take over the pack when he's older and college life; it's a lot."

Devyn chimed back in as she smiled reassuringly, "Just give him a chance Emmy, you'll see." I sighed deeply taking all of this in.

I'm no stranger to what it's like having hard life. I haven't had my dad in my life since I was 5, so I cannot imagine what it's like having one belittle you every single day. Maybe I should give him a chance? As the lord would say, "love thy neighbor."

"All right, I'll give him a shot, or at least attempt to, but no guarantees." The girls sighed as they all came around and gave me a hug.

Tara, always the peacemaker, chimed in with a suggestion, "How about we hit the salon, get our nails and hair done, and do a bit of shopping? It'll make you feel more at home here in LA."

My mood lifted at the prospect, "That actually sounds perfect. Let's do it. Maybe a little pampering is exactly what I need right now."

"I can get us some hook ups at the salon where I work." Devyn suggested. "we could get some new cuts and highlights."

Katrina's eyes lit up, "oh my gosh please, my hair is in a desperate need of a trim." Tara nodded, "ok let's go ladies."

We stepped out of the coffee shop, the sun cast a warm glow on the streets of The Grove, the palm trees swaying gently in the breeze. Devyn, with her usual knack for finding hidden gems, clapped her hands excitedly.

"Okay, so there's this amazing nail salon just around the corner. They do the most incredible designs!"

I couldn't help but smile, feeling the infectious energy of my friends. "You guys always know how to cheer me up."

Tara looped her arm through mine. "What are friends for, right? Besides, a mani-pedi session is long overdue!"

Katrina nodded in agreement. "And after we're done, we'll tackle our hair. I know a place that uses these heavenly scented hair masks."

Devyn playfully nudged me. "You'll be turning heads, Em. Colby won't know what hit him!"

I laughed, the tension from earlier melting away. "I'm not doing it for Colby. This is for me. But I won't complain if it makes a certain someone looks the other way again."

We shared a collective giggle, our bond deepening with every step we took together through The Grove. The afternoon stretched out before us, filled with the promise of pampering and retail therapy. It was more than just a day out; it was a reminder that no matter the distance or the changes, our friendship was a constant source of warmth and support.

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