~Chapter 38~

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Just as me and Colby were soaking in the view of our newly decorated sanctuary, the sound of hurried footsteps approached.

The door burst open, and Blake's excited voice filled the room. "mom, Colby, you've gotta come see this!" Blake exclaimed, his eyes wide with excitement.

"Sam, Jake, and Corey helped me, and it looks epic!" My face lit up with a smile, and I glanced at Colby, who nodded with an amused grin.

"Lead the way, Commander Blake," I said, playing into his Star Wars enthusiasm. We followed Blake down the hallway to his room, where the boys awaited our reaction. As we stepped inside, it was as though we'd been transported onto the set of a Star Wars film.

"Whoa, this is amazing, Blake!" I gasped, taking in the walls adorned with starship decals and the bedspread featuring the iconic characters.

"Yeah, we even got glow-in-the-dark stars for the ceiling, so it's like sleeping in space!" Sam chimed in, pointing upwards.

Jake was arranging a fleet of model starfighters on a shelf, and Corey was setting up a small, holographic projector that emitted a soft blue light of Kylo Ren.

"And check this out," Corey said, flicking a switch that filled the room with the sounds of distant space battles.

Blake beamed with pride as Sam turned the lights off and the stars that adorned the walls glowed bright green and blue.

"I wanted it to be like the Millennium Falcon in here. We all added our little touch in here." Corey said as Blake smiled.

"What do you think, mama?" he asked.

"It's perfect, Blake," she replied, ruffling his hair affectionately.

"You guys did an incredible job. It's like a galaxy far, far away right here at home." Blake's grin was infectious, and we all shared a moment of pride in the room the boys created together—a corner of the universe where imagination knew no bounds.

We went back into our room, I stood back, taking in the room me and Colby had poured our hearts into. The last decorative pillow was fluffed, the final picture of us straightened –our room was a perfect blend of both our styles. I smiled, a sense of accomplishment washing over me. With the room set, I made my way downstairs, where the aroma of spices and laughter filled the air.

The trap house was buzzing with the familiar comfort of family. As I entered the kitchen, the group cheered, eager to see the fruits of my labor.

"Looks amazing, Em!" Devyn called out from the stove, where she was stirring something that smelled suspiciously like my recent craving. Colby wrapped his arms around me, planting a kiss on my temple.

"You've outdone yourself, babe." I chuckled, "It's our little nest, had to make it perfect."

As we all settled around the dining room table, laden with homemade Chipotle bowls, my heart swelled. It was more than just food; it was a reminder of the care and thoughtfulness of this unique family.

Katrina, with a warm smile, turned to me, "By the way, I scheduled your first doctor's appointment for the little nugget. It's all set." My eyes glistened, touched by the gesture.

"You did? Kat, that's... thank you, seriously." The table erupted in soft 'awes' and supportive nods. "It's what family's for," Katrina replied, his voice soft but sincere.

As I took a bite of my bowl, the flavors bursting in my mouth, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. "You guys made this from scratch?" My voice quivered, a laugh escaping through my tears. "Damn hormones," I joked, dabbing at my eyes, but everyone at the table knew it was more than that – it was love, pure and simple.

As dinner wound down, we migrated back towards the heart of the home – the kitchen. Boxes of my kitchen supplies sat waiting, a final task for the day. Together, we began to unpack, each item revealing more of my impeccable taste.

"Whoa, check out these bowls," Sam said, lifting a black-and-white ceramic bowl from a box.

"These are so chic!" Tara gushed. I beamed, "I just love the classic look, you know? Timeless."

"Totally," Tara agreed, pulling out a sleek, matching set of black utensils. "Black and white is so you. It's elegant but totally approachable."

As the green pans were revealed, their simple design caught everyone's attention. "These pans are amazing, Em," Jake marveled, turning one over in his hands. "I've never seen anything like them."

"Yeah, they're from this little boutique store I found online. I couldn't resist," I confessed, my cheeks flushing with pride.

The group worked together, finding places for each new treasure. As we did, the kitchen transformed, becoming a reflection of our vision combining all our styles together into one cohesive home.

The house little bits of all of us in it, it really made it feel more like home. "Seriously, Emmy, your taste is incredible," Colby said, wrapping an arm around me.

"I can't wait to cook with all of this with you." The warmth in the room wasn't just from the stove – it was from the love and admiration they all shared for me and my gift for making a space beautiful.

"Thanks, guys, and by the way I love all of the things you already had in here, I'm guessing the green and white plates are yours Devyn?" I replied, my heart full.

"yep! Those are mine and Corey's, we found them when we first moved in together." she said with a ting of nostalgia.

"I'm just so happy to share all of this with you. It really feels like home now." The last of the boxes lay empty, our contents now breathing life into the once-dull corners of the new home.

We stood back, admiring the transformation, the decor speaking volumes of my exquisite taste. Not all this décor came from me, but them allowing me to help decorate meant the world.

"Wow, it's like a whole new place," Tara exclaimed, her eyes sweeping over the room. I smiled, linking arms with Colby.

"It's amazing what a little bit of love and a lot of unpacking can do," I chuckled.


As night crept in, me and Colby excused ourselves, our footsteps echoing softly up the stairs. We settled into bed, the day's achievements a comforting weight between us.

"That was quite the day, huh?" Colby murmured, his arm finding its way around me.

I sighed contentedly. "It was perfect. This place... it really feels like ours now." Our peaceful moment was soon interrupted by the soft creak of the door and the shuffling of small feet.

Blake stood there, his eyes wide in the dim light. "Mama, I had a bad dream," he whispered, the tremble in his voice tugging at our hearts.

Without hesitation, I patted the bed beside me. "Come here, sweetie. You can stay with us tonight."

As Blake climbed into bed, snuggling into Colby's open arms, I watched the two of them, my heart melted.

"You're so good with him," I whispered to Colby. Colby kissed the top of Blake's head, his voice a soothing rumble.

"He's my little guy, too. We're a family now, all of us. Being in a new space can be a little scary, he'll get over it in a few days."

Under the watchful eyes of me and Colby, Blake's fears melted away, his breaths deepening as sleep reclaimed him. And in that quiet room, a bond strengthened, a family knitted closer by love and the shared warmth of a day well spent.

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