~Chapter 57~

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The waiting room was a flurry of mixed emotions as me, Devyn, Corey, Katrina, Tara, Jake, Isa, and little Blake huddled together, the air thick with anticipation. The drive over had been a rollercoaster, with Emily battling waves of panic that Colby had gently helped her navigate.

"Dr. Love will take good care of her," Isa murmured, trying to reassure Blake, who clutched a small stuffed bear, his eyes wide and concerned.

"I just...I can't believe we're here," Tara whispered, her knee bouncing nervously.

I ran my hands through my hair, pacing back and forth. "She was gripping my hand so hard in the car. I swear, I thought she was going to break it." Devyn chuckled softly, despite the tension.

"That's Emily, strong as ever. She'll be okay." Katrina nodded, her phone clutched in her hand as she periodically checked for updates.

"She's a warrior. And that raspberry tea she drank should help, right? Natural labor inducer or something?"

Corey leaned back in his chair, trying to seem calm. "Yeah, but did you see her during those contractions? They hit her like a damn train." Jake, who had been quiet, finally spoke up, "It's all that tea she drank. I read it can really kick things into gear."

The room fell into a hushed silence, each lost in our own thoughts, until suddenly, the tension was broken by the sound of Blake's small voice.

"Is mommy going to be, okay?" Katrina knelt beside him, giving him a comforting hug.

"Your mom is the toughest person I know, Blake. She's going to be just fine, and soon, you'll have a little sister." She said to him.

As the hours ticked by, we continued to support each other, sharing stories, playing games to distract Blake, and waiting for the moment they could meet Brynlee Rose.

The chaos had transformed into a quiet solidarity, each person drawing strength from the others as they awaited the new arrival.


The air in the waiting room was thick with anticipation and exhaustion. We had been there for hours, our excitement having given way to weariness.

Most of us had dozed off, slumped into uncomfortable chairs and each other for support. Devyn was gently nudging Blake awake, his head having found a resting spot in her lap during the long vigil.

Just when our energy seemed to be at its lowest ebb, Dr. Love appeared, her face a beacon of good news.

"You can go in and see them now," she announced with a warm smile.

We roused ourselves, rubbing sleep from our eyes, and shuffled towards the room where little Aspen Jean and her mom were resting.

The moment we entered, Aspen's tiny wails cut through the haze of our tiredness. She could sense the collective tension, a room full of people unsure of how to navigate this new life among us.

Isa walked over. She started sobbing, her voice filled with emotion. "She's so beautiful," she cried. "She looks like an angel baby."

Emily, her eyes filled with tears, smiled. "She looks like you when you were a baby, Isa."

Emily, with her natural motherly instinct, locked eyes with Corey, who was hanging back, a hesitant figure.

"Want to hold her?" she asked. Corey's face was a mix of awe and fear. "No, I'd probably just make it worse. I'm not great with babies," he stammered as little Aspen continued to cry.

But Emily wouldn't have it. "Nonsense," she insisted, nodding to Colby to pass Aspen to him.

"But I don't think I'm ready to—" Corey began, but before he could finish, Colby had placed Aspen in his arms. Suddenly, a wave of protectiveness washed over him.

His eyes, usually so full of humor and mischief, brimmed with tears. Devyn, never one to miss a beat, teased him. "You got something in your eye there, babe?"

Corey, his voice thick, managed a laugh and wiped his eyes. "Shut up, Devyn," he said, but there was no heat in it, only the warm glow of affection.

After a few precious minutes, Aspen was passed to Tara and then Jake, who couldn't help but quip, "She kind of looks like a little alien, doesn't she?" The room erupted in laughter, the tension finally breaking like a wave upon the shore.


The weight of Aspen in my arms felt like holding the most precious treasure in the world. Tara's gentle transfer was like passing a baton of pure love. The moment I looked down at Aspen, my vision blurred with tears I didn't expect.

It wasn't sadness, no—it was this fierce surge of protectiveness, a primal instinct that roared to life within me. Katrina, sensing the shift in me, slid her arms around my waist from the side, her presence a calming force.

I didn't have to look at her to know she felt it too—the gravity of this tiny life that connected all of us.

"She's incredible," I managed to say, my voice thick with emotion, as I met Colby's gaze.

"You guys made something really special," Colby smiled wide and proud. "Thanks, brother. Means a lot coming from you."

Emily's tired but joyful eyes met mine. "You're going to spoil her rotten, aren't you, Sammy?"

I chuckled, wiping my face with the back of my hand."Absolutely. Aunt Kitty and Uncle Sammy at your service." Kat's laughter rang out, warm and bright, as she leaned her head against my shoulder.

"We'll be the best." Aspen cooed, and her tiny hand wrapped around my finger—a small, yet monumental gesture that sealed a silent vow in my heart. I'd be there for her, for all of them, no matter what.

"It's a promise, little one," I whispered, as Kat and I stood there, wrapped in the love of our makeshift family, feeling like the luckiest people in the world.

As Katrina passed Aspen to Isa, her eyes shimmered with unshed tears. "She's just perfect, Em," Isa whispered, cradling Aspen close. "Isn't she?" Emily said, "Well, she does have the best genes," Colby said, giving Emmy a sweet kiss on her head.

"You know, I never thought I'd be so happy," Emily said, her voice filled with wonder. "I'm so glad we did this together."

We all nodded, our hearts overflowing with love and gratitude. This was our little family, forged in the fires of adversity and strengthened by the bond of love. And at the center of it all was Brynlee Rose, our tiny miracle, our reason for everything.


Blakes eyes were full of wonder as Isa carefully placed Brynlee in his small eager arms.

"Now Blakey you've got to be super gentle, OK? She's very little." Isa reminded him with a soft smile. I watched my heart swelling with love as Blake nodded seriously, his attention entirely on the tiny bundle in his arms.

"I will, I promise." he whispered his voice barely above a breath. he cradled Aspen close, his eyes tracing every feature of her face. "She's so cute mommy." he murmured and then with purest joy added, "She looks just like you."

Colby squeezed my hand beside me on the hospital bed and I felt tears prick at my eyes. Here was little my boy, the brave little soul I found on the streets of London embracing his new sister with all the tenderness in the world.

"You're doing great, Blakey," I said my voice stick with the emotion.

He looked at me, his eyes filled with wonder, "What's her name mommy?"

I smiled as I hugged them both tightly, placing my chin on Blake's head, looking at him hold his sister. "Aspen, Aspen Jean."

He smiled up at me, "Aspen huh? I'm gonna call her Penny!"

Blake looked back down at Aspen. "Penny, I'm gonna teach you everything and I'll always protect you." he declared.

I believed him and that moment I saw him not just my son but the amazing young man he was becoming.

"I know you will," Colby agreed, watching Aspen's tiny fingers curl around Blakes. Turning to me and Colby, Isa asked keeping her eyes on Blake, "So, how are you guys feeling about the first night at home?"

Colby chuckled, "I'm pretty sure sleep is going to be a distant memory."

I nodded, laughing. "Yeah, but as long as she's healthy and happy, I'll consider it a win."

Katrina interjected, "You guys are going to be amazing parents. Just remember to take turns for some rest."

"And if you need anything," Sam added, "We're just a phone call away, day or night."

The room was filled with the soft coos and sighs of Aspen, the gentle murmur of conversation, and the palpable love that wrapped around the little family like the softest blanket.

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