There may be some days where you feel you are no longer productive just like the day before. There can be some times where all you wanted to do was just to cuddle along with your pillow and feel enormously guilty after so. It may feel like you're worthless or totally screwed for the day— feel that emotion.Cry if you need to. Even if it's because of the slightest things possible. If you're a woman, I will totally and surely understand.
There are things we just don't know how to deal with— how to get up from bed, how to work and be productive, how to swipe our tables clean, how to fix our home swiftly. I get it, you want to do it, but you're not in the perfect mood to do so. You don't have to treat the day as failure if it didn't end yet from the get go. The manifestation that you still have time to do what you want means hope. You do not have to meet every hour within the strictest schedule and standards you pondered in your mind. It's okay if it doesn't go as planned.
Emotions, feelings, thoughts, hormones— you are totally liberated to feel and nurture them. You are totally free to live with it even just for a 30 minutes span or a whole day scenario in your life. You're not given a heart to not experience the bad ones it can encounter. Don't stop what you ought to feel, instead, find beauty in the ruins.
Not everyone can get your point. Not everyone will concur to my piece of words. But if you're a woman, you would know, you're a woman. Not a perfectly made pizza with a diameter targeting a perfect curve to circle. After all, it loses its shape after people come and eat them in triangles. So don't be afraid of inconsistencies and uncertainties and tears and unreasonable sobs. It is better to feel the bad days and to stand by the ruins than presenting yourself to people with an all-prepared facade. It's harder when you keep it together, it's harder when others are given the opportunity to broke that out for you. In that way, you may lose relationships.
But I'm also not telling you to be afraid of losing people. One of my old friend told me one time, when you lose someone, you grow. What I'm pointing is, if you're under construction, if your feelings are being renovated by yourself, you do not have to keep all the people in your closet and present yourself to them perfectly. Let the ones who want to stay, stay.
Let the ones who want to savor your imperfections savor it.
You're a woman, never 'just a woman' or 'only a woman'. If someone pins that out to you, point your finger to them and let them know how little their eyes can perceive, how ignorant their minds can comprehend, how ill-nasty they were for not knowing your worth.
You are a woman. You are a woman.