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--------------the text-------------

Meg: yeah, sure what is it!?

Keith: I umm...I GOT TO GO eat dinner TALK TO YOU LATER!

Meg: but the question?

Keith: I'll just have to ask you later!

Meg: okay bye! Don't choke! ;)

Keith: THANKS :)

---------------text over-------------

"Hmm....I wonder what he wanted to ask?" I said to my puppy ,Ace,

"No....don't chew THT Ace! Ugh what am I gunna do with you!" I said Ace just tilting his head which was so adorable BY THE WAY!

"I better hit the shower" I said grabbing some shorts and heading to the shower

-Mor P.O.V.-

---------------the text------------

Coby: hey! :)

Mor: Heyy, Coby!

Coby: what are you doing!?

Mor: nothing really just eating you!?

Coby: me too I love food!!

Mor: OH MY GOSH I'm addicted to food!! :)

Coby: haha same here!

Mor: Great job at the game tonight! BY THE WAY

Coby: oh THANKS! And you and Meg were really good cheerleaders! :)

Mor: haha Meg and I dude you high

Coby: what I think you guys would be excellent cheerleaders! :)

Mor: everyone has said THT....well actually just you and Justin...but in those fucking short skirts...NO

Coby: I wouldn't mind seeing YOU in THT short skirt! ;)

Mor: duh your a guy! ;)

Coby: true but, seriously new cheerleader tryouts are in two weeks you two should REALLY tryout!

Mor: I just don't like those short and slutty uniforms and those damn cheerleaders don't even cheer they just sit there and look all pretty those fucking lazy preps!

Coby: I KNOW RIGHT!! Those good for nothing whores and the cheer captain doesn't even do anything there not even THT pretty! Maybe if you or Meg become the cheer caption you could change the uniform c'mon please try out

Mor: ugh I DON'T KNOW...ill have to talk to Meg but Meg has always secretly wanted to be a cheerleader so I'm pretty sure she will make me tryout with her! Oh...changing uniforms that's a great idea since Meg loves fashion Ik she will be interested.

Coby: yay...see Meg knows what's right THT you guys would be amazing cheerleaders!!

Meg: yeah...THT LIL Whorey-Bitch! ;)

Coby: what is she really a Whorey-Bitch!?

Mor: haha no thts just what I call her

Coby! Oh haha!

Mor: well I GOT TO GO Shower!

Coby: okay text me later k!

Mor: I will!! :)

---------------text over-------------

"OH MY GOSH Coby wants us to be cheerleaders....he PROB just wants to see us in those uniforms THT player!" I said to myself rummaging for my clothes!

-Meg P.O.V. -

-I checked my phone-

"Holy shit....freaking like a thousand messages from Keith!" I said in shock

"You texted me like a thousand time!" I said calling him!

"Oh sorry!" He said on the phone

"I'm just joking with you....I love getting a ton of messages!" I said the phone to my ear me looking for an outfit for tomorrow (Friday)

"Oh haha!" I said

"What did you wanna ask!?" I asked

"Oh...well I was just wondering...if you and Mor would like to eat lunch tomorrow together with Coby and I?" He said

"Yeah sure I bet she would love THT!" I said smiling like crazy

"K cool! So a date....I mean tomorrow it is!" Keith said

"But can Justin come!?" I asked

"Oh yeah if course he can!" Keith said "he was the one who introduced us!"

"Yeah....I'm glad he did!" I said not thinking bout it

" too!!" Keith said

-Meg sneezed-

"Excuse me!" I said

"Bless have a cute sneeze!" Keith said

"Haha THANKS!" I said "oh and thank you for also letting me hold you at the movies at the scary parts and for letting me lay my head on your shoulder!"

"You welcome! Did you enjoy the movie!?" Keith asked

"Yeah I did! Oh and one more thing....THANKS for calling me gorgeous!" I said

"Huh...." He asked confused

"The pic you posted on Instagram!" I said

"Oh...your is true!" Keith said

-Meg began blushing like crazy she never even knew se would have a convo with Keith ,her crush,-

"Well I better go to bed....I'm sleepy....need to Get my beauty sleep!" I said not wanting to hang up!

"Oh okay! Goodnight! " Keith said

"Goodnight!" I said than hung up!

"Omg wow...seriously best night ever!" I said before falling asleep

"Wait" I said getting my phone" I better text Mor THT IMMA take her to school tomorrow!"

----------------the text------------

Meg: hey IMMA drive you to school tomorrow k!

Mor: yeah that's fine plus I an tell you everything THT happened

Meg: okay yeah #excited! Goodnight!

Mor: k goodnight gorgeous!

-------------text over--------------

-Now she went to sleep!-


CrunchBuddy's Note! so you like it so far!! Comment vote share!

Really appreciate! THANKS for reading! Sorry If I have a lot of typos

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." ~ Dalai Lama



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