What is happening to us

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" I love Hawaii! I wish I could I've here!" Mor said

"Same here!" Coby said "wanna go swimming!"

"No doctor said you have to stay out of the water because of your leg" Mor said looking out for Coby

"Stupid fish" Coby said pouting

-Meg pov-

2 pm

"Oh hey Justin what are you doing here!!?" I asked sitting down next to Justin on the sand

-they were on the other side of the beach with no one around-

"Oh nothing just looking" Justin said

"It's so pretty here can't believe this beach was named after your grandfather" I said Justin looking a little sad

"Sorry I didn't mean to bring it up" I said

"It's okay thanks" Justin said

"Sure" I said

"No I'm serious" Justin said grabbing Meg's hand

"Thank you so much for everything. For always being there for me. For being the greatest friend. For everything and for the plane ticket." Justin said

"Stop saying thank you! It's okay Justin I do it because I care about you " I said

-than Justin leaned in and Kissed Meg-

"Meg sorry....I didn't mean to do that...I don't know what got into me" Justin said

"It's umm...okay IMMA go find Keith" I said getting up

"Sorry" Justin said

"Hey have you seen Keith?" I asked Mor and Coby

"Yeah I think he is upstairs looking for you" Coby said

-I ran upstairs and when I opened the door I saw Emily and Keith kissing-

"I'm...umm...sorry" I said and shut the door

-5 mins later-

"Meg can we talk" Keith asked

"Yeah sure climb up here!" I said sitting on top of a palm tree

"Meg let me explain I didn't kiss Emily she kissed me..." Keith started

"Justin and I Kissed. " I interrupted Keith

"Wait what? You and Justin?" Keith asked

"Yeah. I don't know what happened it just happened" I said with my head down

"Are you mad?" I asked

"Meg no I'm not mad because I really like you" Keith said touching Meg's chin

"And there is nothing going on with Emily and I. She just randomly kissed me. I swear it means nothing" Keith said

"Okay I believe you?" I said "but what is happened to us what didn't we stop them from kissing us?"

"I really don't know Meg but I really like you" Keith said

"I really like you too but maybe we need a break" I said

"What no c'mon Meg don't do this" Keith said

"It really hurts but maybe we just do" I said

"No Meg please no. I like you...you like me...why do we have to break up?" Keith said

"True." I said "I don't know"

"Meg lets just pretend none of that ever happened" Keith said

"That's easier...okay" I said letting out a sigh.

-Keith than kissed Meg passionately for a really long time-

"So why where you looking for me earlier?" I asked

"Oh because I wanted to give you this!" Keith said pulling out a small blue box

"Open it!" Keith said

"Oh my gosh Keith it's so pretty!" I said

"Here let me help you out it on" Keith said

-Keith have Meg a very pretty heart necklace-

-Justin, Coby, Keith, Mor, and Meg decided to go out and eat at a restaurant that night-

-at the restaurant-

"Meg... I'm really sorry I kissed you" Justin said looking at his plate

"It's okay Justin" I said

"Yeah bro. That is all behind us" Keith said patting Justin's back

"Wait Meg and Justin kissed...gross" Mor said

"Lets just drop this subject" Coby said

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