Before the "Date" part 2

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-Mor P.O.V-

"Mor, the boys will be here in about five mins!" Meg said

"K!" I said watching MTV

"I wonder where we are gunna go!?" I asked

"Me too....Justin would probably say lets go to Nando's!" Meg said "don't get me wrong Nando's is delicious!"

"Yeah I will go with Justin Nando's is so good!" I said

*ding dong*

"THT must be the boys!" Meg said

"C'mon lets go!" I said turning the TV off Meg grabbing her over the shoulder light brown purse

"Hey!" Mor and meg said said

"Hello!" Coby and Keith said

-Coby was wearing this blue polo shirt that showed off his muscle and dark blue jeans his hair just normal like with a leather jacket on and blue shoes-

-Keith had on a green shirt! She had on light jeans with green shoes and a jacket on. His hair spiked up like normal-

"You guys look pretty!" Keith said

"Thank you!" Meg and I said smiling

"Umm...where's Justin?" Meg asked

"Oh....he couldn't make it....he had to go to a Family dinner" Coby said

"Oh" I said "wait can I talk to Meg for a sec?"

"Yeah sure!" Said Keith

"What is it?" Meg asked being pulled by Mor

"Justin isn't coming" I said

"IK my heart sank when I heard THT...THT means THT it's only gunna be four of us" Meg said

"Yes and frankly I'm nervous!" I said

"I am too but it will be fine....just don't leave each-other it it will probably be awkward! " Meg said

"C'mon lets go than!" I said

"K we are back!" Meg said

"Shall we go than!?" Coby asked

"Yes lets go!" I said

"Wait before we forget we bought you guys something!" Keith said

"Oh yeah....!" Coby said

"What!!?" Meg asked "but now I feel bad cuz we didn't get you guys anything!"

"Yeah!" I said

"It's okay!" Keith said "we get to spend time with you amazing girls..thts enough for us!"

"Yeah so I bought Meg a heart necklace since I know she loves accessories and I got Mor a hundred dollar spending card to Nando's since she told me she loves Nando's and this beautiful rosé !" Coby said

"AWW thx Coby I love it!" Meg said "can you put it on me?!"

"Yeah sure!" He said putting it around Meg's neck and Meg going him a kiss on the cheek!

"OH MY GOSH....I love Nando's thank you so much and for the rosé It's beautiful! !" I said

"Your welcome! Yes BEAUTIFUL like you! " Coby said pulling Mor in for a hug and giving her a kiss in the cheek! Mor blushing

"Ohh!!" Keith and Meg said

"Haha ssh!!" I said

"AHH let them...they jealous!" Coby said

"Oh so jealous!" Meg sai

"K well I bought Mor this Box of chocolates and a cheesy cooking spoon since she loves cooking! And I bought Meg this green handbag and this rose!" Keith said

"AWW Keith THANKS!" Mor said "Meg we met them yesterday and they already know all this about us...imagine if they were to be our..." I started but stopped

"I KNOW RIGHT!! Girls SHH!" Meg said

"If we were y'all's BF's!!?" Coby said smiling like crazy

"!" Meg started blushing

"Don't play around you know you want us!" Keith said

"Haha LAUGH OUT LOUD!! Yes!" Meg said

"So it's true!" Coby said

"Yes!" I said

"Well anyways thank you Keith for the present!" I said hugging Keith and giving him a kiss on the cheek

"YOur welcome!" Keith said

"Yes thank you I love it!" Meg said kissing him in the cheek and hugging him

"Keith you make me seem cheep!" Coby said walking. Over to Keith's car

"Haha thts what I was going for!" Keith said opening the door for Meg

"Keith you don't have to do THT!" Meg said "but thank you!"

"I will for you babe!" Keith said

"Keith please don't call me THT!" Meg said

"Yeah...Meg hates when people call her babe....unless your her bf!" I said taking a seat in the back with Coby

" have to be my bf" Meg said

"Well....Meg don't worry Keith is basically your bf!" Coby said

"Haha I wish!" Meg said

"K well lets go!" I said

"Yeah where are we going!!?" Meg asked putting on her seat belt

"It's a surprise!" Keith said

"Yay! I love surprises!" Meg said

"Yes, a surprise almost as beautiful as you guys!" Coby said

"AWW thank you!" Meg said

"Psh....I'm ugly" I said

"Omg here we go again with the negative thing" Meg said

"Mor, you are NOT ugly....don't ever all yourself THT ever again your gorgeous!!" Coby said

" are extremely pretty!!" Keith said

"THANKS guys!" I said


CrunchBuddy's Note

HIYA!! Quick little chapter for you guys!!

"To do the useful thing, to say the courageous thing, to contemplate the beautiful thing: that is enough for one man's life." ~ T. S. Eliot



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