The unexpected surprise

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-Meg pov-

-at a restaurant-

"Out of all this time living here I have never ever seen this restaurant" Mor said

"Haha are you serious we come here like everyday!!" Coby said taking a seat In front of Mor

"Yeah this place is the bomb" Keith said

-the restaurant was like at the pier!! It was floating along the side of the shore! It was basically a boat and they had there seafood restaurant in it so yeah quite nice and beautiful!!-

-after the lovely dinner-

"Mor how bout I take you on a boat tour!! something tells me you are going to be coming here more often!!" Coby said

"You are correct the food is delicious!!" Mor said getting up!

"So what do you want to do Meg!!?" Keith asked

"I really wanna go watch the sunset!!" I said

"Lets go!!" Keith said taking Meg slug the boat to watch the sunset

"It's beautiful!!" I said leaning up against the rail

"Yes it is like you!!" Keith said Meg looking right at his big brown eyes

-Keith leaned in for a kiss!!!!-

"No stop." I said backing away from his pink soft lips

"But I thought you like me? Listen Meg I am CRAZY for you!!! I would even call it love!!! Some the first day I saw you I just thought you were different good different!! And you are extra my beautiful and I just like everything about you!!" Keith said "I can go in for days about you!"

"AWW really thank you!!! Well I do like you Keith for a long time now!!" I said

"Than why don't you let me kiss you and make you the happiest girl in the world?" Keith said

"Okay Keith there is a reason I don't let people call me babe or baby unless we are like dating or something. and no matter how much I so wanna kiss you I know it's wrong it's just THT something happened to me and I don't want it to happen again I don't wanna be THT stupid girl I was" I confessed putting my love on the line

"Well what happened?" Keith asked

"Umm....I prefer not to say" I said

"Okay that's alright" Keith said

"It's not that I don't like you....just THT I have never told anyone this not even Mor" I said

"It's okay I get it" Keith said

"Meg do you want to be my girlfriend?" Keith asked

" know I do...but we just met an we like give it a little but more time?" I asked

"Yeah okay anything for you gorgeous I wait a thousand years for you" Keith said kissing her cheek softly

"AWW thank you prime charming!'" I said

"Well we better go" I said

-back at Meg's house-

-10 pm-

"Well thanks for the dinner tonight you guys!!" I said

"No problem beautiful" Coby said

"Thank you and goodnight!!" I said

-Meg hugged the boys and Mor goodnight since Keith was going to drop Mor off at her house-

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