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-the next morning-

-Meg P.O.V.-

-her alarm went off-

-5:30 A.M.-

"Better wake up get ready and go get Mor and go to school!" I said to myself not wanting to get out from underneath if my warm covers!

-I quickly made my bed than went straight to the bathroom and brushes my teeth and put my rubber bands for my braces on-

-than I went to my room to choose what to wear-

"What should I wear" I thought to myself "oh yeah I picked it out yesterday duh....I'm an idiot!"

-Ace started whining-

"Are you hungry boy?" I asked going to go get him his food and giving it to him

-than I got dressed I put on my peach polka-dot skinny jeans my white tanks top that had a winky-face on it than I put on my peach jean jacket over my tank top and than I grabbed my pink converse-

-than I went over to my blue box where I keep all my accessories and I grabbed my BFF and my dog tag necklace and put them on. Than I grabbed my pink bracket and to add a splash of color I put on my red bracket-

-than owner back to the bathroom and done my hair ya know I simple waterfall braid along the side Of my head-

"Okay now the lotion!" I said outing in the lotion in my face

"All done!" I said

"Now IMMA go get Mor!" I said grabbing Keith's jacket my pink bag and my car keys

"She better me awake!" I said putting my seat belt on and staring the engine

-at Mor's drive way-

"I'll just call her so she knows to come out!" I said reaching for my phone from my bag

-ring ring-

"And of course she isn't awake!" I said Getting out of my green bug and sliding my phone into my pocket

"I'll just sneak in using the key in the flower pot!" I said reaching for the key

-than someone turned on the light-

"GEEZ!" I said "you scared me"

"Are you here to steal my food!?" Mor said with a cooking spoon in her hand

"No I am not here to steal your food....even tho THT looks delicious!" I said looking at the plate of food

"I'm here to take you to school!" I said "why are you still in your PJ's

"Shit....I forgot you were taking me to school" Mor said face-palming herself

"Well go get ready!" I said

"Okay I will....give me just a sec" Mor said

-Mor was wearing her blue American Eagle shirt with her blue jeans! Her purple converse and her hair up in a ponytail her curls out-

"K well lets go!" I said

"Wait I want breakfast!" Mor said

"Just here take this banana and we can eat breakfast at school" I said handing her the banana

"K put your seat belt on" I said staring the engine Mor putting her bag in the back

"So spill girl!!" I said

"Okay well...Coby kissed me in the cheek last night....we were in my car waiting for him to get out and I was like well goodnight Coby and than bam he plants a kiss in my cheek and he is like goodnight and he winks and walks off!" Mor said

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