Basketball game

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-Monday morning-

-School cafeteria-

-Keith pov-

"Sorry Friday night didn't go so good" Meg said fixing her beanie

"It's okay Meg!" I said wrapping my arm around her neck "your parents seem like good parents"

"Yeah sure..." Meg mumbled under her breath

"I guess" Meg said

"But what happened? Were you nervous?" I asked getting closer to Meg

"I don't know it's my dad I guess. Can we just forget about it" Meg said

"Sure thing!" I said

"So who is coming to the game tonight?" Coby asked

"I'll be there!" Mor said

"Sure why not!!" I said

"I have to be there!!" Justin said

-After school-

"Game starts at 5 babe!" Coby told Mor as they kissed goodbye

"See you soon! Have fun!" Meg told Keith

"I have a feeling we will win because my Goodluck charm is coming!!" I said holding Meg's hands

"Really who is your Goodluck charm!?" Meg asked

"You stupid!!" I said picking Meg up and carrying her like a baby

"I know I just wanted to hear you say it!!" Meg said looking into Keith's eyes

-everything froze for a moment as they gazed at each others eyes-

-Keith leaned in as if he was going to kiss Meg on the lips but instead kisses Meg on the forehead-

"Haha!! You go me there!!" Meg said

"C'mon bro! Practice is about to start!!" A basketball player told Keith

"Okay" I said playing with Meg's hair "I'll see you later!"

"You too Meg!!" Mor said "your coming to my house"

-Mor's house-

-Mor pov-

"So how are things with you and Coby!!?" Meg asked

"Oh it's wonderfully magnificent!!" I said eating grapes

"He is like so perfect, but at the same time not, which makes him perfect to me!!" I said "you get what I'm saying!!"

"Haha yeah I get you!!" Meg said

"Megan!!" Henry said running into the kitchen

"Henry!!" Meg said picking him up like a plane and spinning him around

"I haven't seen you for ages"

"I know way to long!" Henry said

"So what you been up to!?" Meg asked

"Nothing! I've been practicing for soccer! Do you want to help me!" Henry asked

"Oh sure, but first you have to finish all your homework!" Meg said messing with Henry's hair

"All ready did!!" Henry said showing off

"Than sure go get the ball and I will meet you out front!" Meg said

"Yay!" Henry said running through the kitchen "oh hey sis!"

"Sup little Monster!!" I said playing around with Henry

"You are so kind to kids! Have your parents thought about having another kid?" I asked Meg

"Psh...I wish, but they are to busy with traveling and business I think another kid would be to much for them to handle" Meg said

-they played soccer outside for a little while-

"I still can't believe a 8 year old beat our butts Mor!!" Meg said

"I know right!" I said

"K Henry go get in the shower mom and dad should be home soon for dinner okay" I said "Meg and I are going to get ready and go to the basketball game"

"Man, but I want to go to the game please!!" Henry begged pushing his lower lip out

"Mom and dad are going to disapprove" I said

"Please sis!" Henry said

"Just take him!" Meg said

"Fine!" I said "go change"

-the girls and Henry were now wearing the school colors which is blue and black .-

"I'll drive" Meg said

-at the game-

"WHOAH GO JUSTIN!" They screamed as he scored

-After the game-

"Oh my gosh!!! Our team won!!" I said jumping in the air and going down to the gym floor to congratulate Coby

"Good job guys!!" I said as I hugged Coby

"Thanks, but it was mainly all Justin!!" Keith said patting Justin on the back

"CUZ I have an awesome team!" Justin said

"Whoah that was so cool Justin!!" Henry said running to Justin

"AHH Henry how are you little dude!!" Justin said picking up Henry and putting him over his shoulders

"Who is this little rock star?" Coby asked

"My little brother Henry!" I said

"Henry this is my boyfriend, Coby!" I said

" high five dude!" Coby said high-fiving Henry

"Oh your strong!" Coby said to Henry

"CUZ I'm a superhero!! Superheroes have to be strong!!" Henry said still on Justin's shoulders

"And this is Keith Meg's boyfriend!!" I said

"Well aren't you a awesome superhero!!" Keith said to Henry

"Oh now it's all coming back to me!!" Henry said "this is Coby and Keith the guys you had a crush in since you were 15!"

"Henry!" Meg said blushing

"Hahah that's so cute!!" Coby said taking Mor's hang and swinging it

"Okay Henry your going to have to be a superhero later because coach is calling us for a meeting!!" Justin said putting Henry down

"Ah man!!" Henry said

"Yeah we better get home i'll drive you!!" Meg said

"Okay!! Here's a mission for you Henry...take care of your sister and Meg because Meg is driving!!" Justin said

"Hey!!" Meg said playfully hitting Justin's arm

-Meg dropped off Henry and Mor at Mor's house-

-Meg'a house-

-Meg pov-

"Dinner is ready!" Mom said

"So how was the game!" Dad asked as he sat down in his chair

"It was good!! Our school won!!" I said "Justin was on fire!!"

"That's good honey!" Mom said setting the food on the table

"So sweetie...your birthday is in a week we are thinking of renting a place and you can decorate and do anything you would like!" Dad said

"But can't I just order some pizza, buy cake, and invite some of my friends over?" I suggested

"If that's what you want than sure!!" Mom said

" k thanks!" I said

"sorry thank you!" I corrected

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