Airport Troubles

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-first day of spring Break

-Justin pov-

-Justin's house-

"Finally The day has come!!" I said putting the girls bags in Coby's car

"I know right Hawaii here we come!!" Mor said putting her hair in a pony tail

"Okay are you guys ready to go to the airport?" Keith asked

"Umm yeah are all the bags in there?" Meg asked

"Yeah, and why do you need so many bags it's just one week!" Coby asked

"It's not a lot, it's just two for Meg and I and Justin has one" Mor said

"Lets go then!" Justin said getting in Coby's car eagerly

-At the airport-

"Stupid traffic" Coby said carrying one of Mor's bags

"Okay now, first we have to go through all the security and shit like that!" Meg said leading the way

"Meg it's this way" Keith said pointing

"Right...sorry airports confuse me!" Meg said Keith putting his arm around her

-15 mins later-

"Okay I guess we will see you when you get back" Coby said

"Yeah!" Justin said hugging Coby and Keith

"Have fun dude!!" Keith said

"Yeah we will!" Justin said

"I really wish you could come with us" Meg said hugging and kissing Keith

"We will be okay don't worry" Coby said hugging Meg

"Take care. I will miss you!" Mor said hugging Keith and kissing Coby

"Bye!" Justin Meg and Mor said and walked the other direction

-Keith Pov-

"Okay now we have to get back to our houses get our luggage and come back so we can get on our flight in like 3 hours" Keith said as he saw Meg disappear around a corner

"Lets go!" Coby said

-Justin pov-

-they managed to get through Security and everything now they were going to there Terminal-

"Okay Terminal B" Mor said

"Where is it? Seriously airports confuse me so much" Meg said

"Map says it's to the left" I said reading the map

-15 mins later-

"Finally we have arrived at terminal B now flight 546" Meg said

"Oh its right there!" Mor said pointing

-they sat there bags down and took a seat in the waiting area since they still had 25 mins till they were boarding-

"Okay who is hungry?" I asked

"We are before we came!" Meg said

"Yeah I'm still hungry!" Mor said

-they grabbed some snacks-

"Okay we will now be boarding First class...I repeat first class" the flight attended said

"Wait are we first class?" Mor asked

"I suppose let me check" Meg said grabbing the tickets "that's all my parents buy"

" Nope they aren't. great." Meg said "but oh well"

"That's strange. Your parents always buy first class" Mor said

"It's because it's a roundtrip to ANY destination. They only offer first class to tickets that are a certain location in this airport stupid" I said

"Da fuck do you know that" Mor asked

"I read the sigh!" I said with a dumb look on my face

"Haha! Well we are sitting in seats A23 B24 C25" Meg said

-boarding into the airplane-

"Gosh I always hate this part. The first class people always judge you when you get on board." Mor said a little frustrated

"Don't worry Mor they won't bite!" Meg said behind Mor

"Yeah Mor it's just a few glances!" I said in front of Mor

"Glances My butt!" Mor said

"What the fuck are you staring at? What you think I can't sit in first class well honey your wrong!! Mor said siting on too of a Teenage girls lap "yeah you like that. Teach you to stare at me like that"

"So gross. Someone get this nasty poor girl off of me" the preppy girl said fixing her hair

"Mor get off of her" Meg said laughing

"What are you laughing at Bitch!" The girl said

"Oh this is about to get ugly!" I said

"Oh no she didn't!" Meg said rolling up her sleeves

"I'll teach you who is the bitch here!! Calling my best friend a bitch HA!" Mor said throwin her self over the girl

"Okay enough come on Mor" I said

Picking up Mor and carrying her to her seat

"Oh and by the way that outfit is so last season!" Meg said picking her bag up, attentional hitting the girl with it, and walking down the airplane aisle all confident

"Ugh" the preppy girl let out

-they settled down in there seats. Mor on the aisle seat, Justin in the middle and, Meg in the window seat-

"Haha that was so funny!!" I said fist bumping the girls

"Since Meg's parents are so rich why didn't Meg turn out like a spoiled little preppy brat?" I asked

"Because, I am just good like that! I don't know just that doesn't really suit me I don't know!" Meg said grabbing her headphones

"Well By the way I love Meg just the way she is!" Mor said

"Thanks!" Meg said

-the plane took off for a 5 hour flight-

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