𝟓) 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲

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"Thank you for the lift Freddy." me and danny said smiling at him.

"No worries guys, just let me know when you want to go and i'll take us home." he smiled back.

"I told my mum i'll be home before 11 if that's okay."

"Perfect." he replied.

We all walked down to the beach, it wasn't dark yet but i knew in about an hour or so it would be as we were an hour late already due to Danny stroking this old woman's dog for the past hour.
There were groups of people all swarmed in different areas, i just followed Daniel and he introduced me to a group of girls, they seemed to all be our age.

"Hey Daniel!" One girl said, she was beautiful, she had golden blonde, curly hair that just grew past her shoulders and gorgeous blue eyes which shined brightly due to the sunset.

"Oh hey Ali." He seemed flustered. Maybe he liked her?

"Who's your friend?" Another girl asked, she had curly dark brown hair, more black though and it was about the same length as the other girls. I think her name was Ali? There were only 3 of them and they were all so pretty.

"Oh hey guys i'm Maddison, Madi for short i'm new here." i smiled warmly.

They all greeted me with a hug and told me to sit with them. They then all told me their names and we got along pretty well.

"Hey guys i'm gonna go play soccer, or as you call it football." he smirked at me when he said that and i just rolled my eyes at him.

"Do you guys wanna go for a swim?" Ali asked whilst smiling. she has such a pretty smile honestly.
"sure!" we all replied, getting up off of the blanket and heading to the ocean.
Ali had a bright blue swimsuit, not a two piece whilst susan had a purple bikini and the other girl, Barbara i think her name was, wore a light pink bikini.

"Your bikini is so cute!" Ali said to me whilst we were all walking down to the blue ocean.
"Thank you Ali, yours is gorgeous." i replied smiling back, she giggled and we all ran down and started splashing each other with the water.

A few minutes later Daniel and his friends headed down to us, his eyes were on Ali the whole time.

"Hey Ali, wanna play?" He asked her whilst holding the football he had in his hands.

"Yeah if that's okay with the girls?" she looked at us all for approval and we obviously nodded for her to go.

"She defo fancies him." Susan chuckled.
Which made us all start laughing.

"Yeah he 100 percent loves her too!" Barbara said in between giggles.

I turned my head at the noise of loud motorbikes up on the hill.

"Oh for fuck sake!" susan shouted.

"What? What is it?" i asked not knowing what the problem was.

"The cobra kai's." Barbara replied whilst sighing.
"They're gonna ruin everything!" Susan said, smacking her hand on her head.

"Wait why?" i asked again. Honestly, I knew why but i was just intrigued to what they were going to say.

"Johnny is Ali's ex boyfriend," susan replied.
"Yeah and if he sees her with Daniel he's gonna hurt him even more than he already has!" Barbara added on.

"not on my watch he isn't." i took off away from the girls, heading to where Danny and Ali were playing football. Johnny and his cobra kai's headed down the hill.

Johnny took off his helmet and so did the others, they started heading towards us all.

"Ali can we please talk?" Johnny asked calmly.
"No Johnny, i don't want to talk to a jerk like you." she replied bluntly and walked away from him. He obviously followed which made us all follow.

"Just let me talk to you!" He grabbed her radio and turned off the music."
"Johnny give it back to me!" she screamed. She really wasn't messing about.
"If i give it back will you talk to me?"
"Yes! Now hand it over!!" she shouted back.
He handed her the radio and she turned it back on, which made him angry causing him to grab it back off of her.
"What the hell?" i shouted at him. His eyes turned to me.
"Oh hey princess." he smirked whilst looking me up and down. I just ignored him as i honestly didn't want to get involved.

"Just give her the radio Johnny." Daniel said calmly.
"You got a problem Larusso? one of his friends spat back at him.
"Yeah what if i do?" he asked. Bad idea Daniel.

Before i could even contemplate what was happening Johnny threw the radio at Daniel causing him to fall over.

"Stop being a dick Johnny!" screamed Ali.
"I just wanted to talk to you stupid bitch." he shouted back.

Him calling her a bitch must've made Daniel mad as he got up off of his feet and punched Johnny in the face which made us girls gasp and the cobra kai's laugh.

"You're gonna wish you never did that." Johnny said smugly whilst wiping the blood off of his face.

"Johnny no-!" I was about to charge at him but one of his freak members grabbed me and the other 3 grabbed Ali, Susan and Barbara.
Freddy and his other friends were just stood there, i would do the same if i was a boy because honestly i don't think they would hit us girls.

"Get the fuck off of me!" i screamed, trying to squirm my way out of the boys arms.

"Hey! i'm not going to hurt you but i just don't want you getting involved in this okay?" he replied to me softly. Which didn't stop me wanting to break free one bit.

Johnny had already knocked Danny out, the sight was unpleasant, Ali started to tear up and so did the rest of the girls. I however, managed to elbow the boy in the stomach and ran to Danny.

"Bobby what the fuck?" johnny screamed,
"Your one job was to keep hold of her you dick!"

"I'm sorry man she just elbowed me in the fucking stomach!" he said groaning.

Danny was not okay, i told Freddy and his other friends to take him to the car whilst i dealt with it. I got up off of the floor, turned around and punched johnny in the face which caused him to stumble back a bit.

"Strong punch princess." he chuckled, as so did the other boys. It didn't seem to affect him whatsoever though, which was a bit shit.

𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐚 (𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐥𝐚𝐰𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now