𝟏𝟐) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡

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I woke up the next morning, extremely confused on why Johnny was acting like that yesterday. He was so nice on Monday night and ever since then he has been such a jerk.

I guess that's why he never gets girlfriends, just one night stands which is definitely not healthy for him. But i guess he can do what he wants.

"Bye mum, bye dad!" i kissed them both on the cheek and headed towards the door.

"Bye sweetie!" they replied, and i then met up with Danny.

"Morning Madi how are you?" he smiled.

"I'm okay, thank you for asking!" i replied and gave him a hug.

"That's good, i hope things go better today." he gave an awkward smile which i returned.

"Yeah i hope so too."

We made our way to Freddy's car, except he wasn't there.

"Weird, he must be late today." i said confused.

"No look." Daniel pointed to the note that was stuck to the car window.

"Not coming in today, you'll have to walk sorryyy." i read.

"Great, we are going to be late now." Daniel sighed.

"Better get a move on then!" i chuckled and started to jog which Danny sighed at and then finally followed me.


After around 25 minutes, we made our way to school. We were like 30 minutes late but i'm just glad we made it.

"Running definitely isn't our strong suit." Danny laughed whilst panting for breaths.

"More like jogging." i laughed back.

We both headed inside, we had English first. The teacher is okay, i don't think she likes me though due to the dress code incident i had on my first day.

Luckily Daniel is a teachers pet, so he could easily lie us out of trouble which was helpful.

We walked in the classroom and all eyes were on us. deja vu.

"Um sorry we are late miss i'm having family troubles and Madi was helping me get through it." he lied.

"Oh no worries! I hope you're okay Daniel, please do take a seat." She gestured for us to sit in our seats so without a fuss that's what we did.

"He's obviously lying miss." Johnny scoffed.

"Yeah they definitely were hooking up!" Dutch smirked which caused the rest of the class to laugh.

"Will you shut up? Danny's family troubles are nothing to joke about!" i shouted, which caused everyone's eyes to widen.

I turned to Danny and he smirked, i guess we played that off well.


A few minutes later, a piece of folded paper hit my back and fell to the floor. I picked up the paper and unfolded it.

Meet me at my locker after class. -Johnny

I turned around to Johnny and he smirked at me. Was not looking forward to that.

I just rolled my eyes and turned back around.

"Miss Johnny is passing notes to his crush Madi!" Dutch grinned and turned towards us both, he was obviously trying to embarrass us.

"Dutch you stupid dick shut up man!" Johnny groaned and everyone laughed once again.

"Seems we have a class clown." i whispered to myself quietly, almost wanting to die from the embarrassment.

"What was that Madi? You fancy Johnny?" Dutch smirked.

"Actually just shut it!" Johnny shouted back.

The teacher was trying to shush both of them but they weren't listening.

"Why are you so vexed Johnny? She was just apart of the bet anyways!" he screamed back.

I was a bet? That's why Johnny was being so nice to me..

I turned to both Johnny and Dutch, Johnny looked really guilty and Dutch was just giggling to himself.

I wouldn't normally do this, but i arose from my chair and walked towards the door.

"And where do you think you're going?" The teacher said suddenly.

"Anywhere but here!" i shouted back, causing many people to gasp at my sudden attitude.

I'm not normally like this, but i was starting to really like Johnny.

I ran out of the classroom crying, i didn't know where to go so i just sat next to my locker with my hands over my face.

"Madi?" i heard a voice say softly.

I looked up to see that Daniel was there, my face instantly lit up.

"Oh hey." i smiled, gesturing for him to sit next to me.

"I followed you out of the classroom, Johnny and Dutch kept arguing." he smiled slightly, obviously trying to cheer me up.

"I don't care, i was a stupid bet anyways." i sniffed, wiping the tears from my red eyes.

"A bet for what? Did you kiss or anything?" he asked.

"No.. But he took me to his house and got me pizza." i chuckled.

"Well what was the bet? Have you spoken to him?"

"Obviously not Danny i've literally just ran out of the room." i laughed.

"Oh yeah right," he chuckled,
"I know you hate him right now, and so do i but you should talk to him."

"Well he did give me this in class before Dutch outed him." i showed him the note he wrote to me.

"Maybe you should give him a chance. You know, hear what he has to say about it." he smiled and pulled me in for a hug which i obviously returned it.

"Thank you Danny, you really are a hero." i smiled which caused him to blush a little.

"No worries Madi, looks like he's on his way over here now though." he stood up and walked away from me, i didn't even have time to process what he just said before Johnny came and sat next to me.

"What do you want." i sniffed.

"Look i'm sorry just hear me out, i know it sounded bad but trust me it's not." he began.

"On the first day i thought you was pretty so i told my friends. They said that i wouldn't have a chance with you so i wanted to prove them wrong." he looked down and started playing with the rim of his sleeve.

"I honestly don't care Johnny, i really was starting to see you as someone else other than a jerk but you have honestly lost my trust." i frowned.

As much as i wanted to accept his apology i just needed time to think.

"Just think about it yea?" he looked up at me. His eyes are so pretty and blue, i got butterflies just by looking into them.

"Uh, um for sure." i replied quickly, trying to get words out of my mouth.

Was i flustered? Over that?

𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐚 (𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐥𝐚𝐰𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now