5| That was easy

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I stare at the map of the world. It illuminates in the air like a hologram. I've been staring at it for hours. It shows every hero on the planet. Connor should show up on it but he's not.

I turn my head as Alina slowly walks down the stairs. Kat must've let her in before leaving for work. It's been a couple days and I haven't been able to find Connor. If he was dead I would know, I would've felt it.

"You okay?"

"Connor and I never really got along. I mean as kids we did but as we got older we started growing apart." I say. "My father always favorited me and my mother favorited him."

She stays quiet, walking closer.

"It's funny because I look like her and he looks like him.. he chose the Justice League. Superboy is what he was dubbed. And I chose the Avengers because I'm half Kryptonian but I'm also a witch."

"It must've been hard."

I remember the day they wanted us to choose. They gave us time to decide. We had years to prepare for it. We turned fifteen and that's when we were to decide.

I think deep down my parents were hoping it would've been the other way around. That Connor would've chose the Avengers and I would've chose the Justice League. I think they were shocked by the decision.

I had already set it in my mind that I was going to choose the Avengers. I was done letting down my mother and wanted to prove her wrong. It broke their hearts knowing we'd be separated. They had raised us together despite what the public saw. A one night stand turned into two powerful children.

"It really drove a wedge between us. It's like siblings one two sides of a war.. the Justice League and the Avengers never really got along. The one thing they agreed on was the Earth being protected." I say. "And when the Justice League disbanded because of my father's death it was a great day for the Avengers but the worst day of my life."

"I'm so sorry.."

Tears start filling my eyes.

"Connor couldn't forgive me for killing Lex Luthor. Killing was always against my father's policy but it wasn't against my mother's."

I turn my head as someone starts banging on the front door. I run up the stairs, slowly walking towards the front door. I swing open the door to see Stiles holding Krypto.

"Krypto?" I say. "How the hell did you find him?"

"Find him?" He says. "He flew into my room."


He puts Krypto down. He immediately sits down and whines. Krypto was my father's dog but quickly became Connor's when he chose the Justice League. They were inseparable.

I kneel down and pet his head. He's sad. I look up at Stiles. I don't know why the hell Krypto would go to him. I look back at Krypto.

"What happened to Connor, boy?"

He barks. I stand up and move so he can come inside. He goes in circles and barks again.

"Can you speak dog?" I glare at Stiles. "Just asking.."

I look at the door, hearing footsteps. I twist my hands, waiting for an attack.

"Do not attack me, Natalia."

I close my hands at the familiar voice. Dick appears with his hands up. It's been years since I've seen him. Back when he was Robin, and right before he started going by Nightwing.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Dick?"

He looks at Alina and Stiles behind me.

"They know."

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