6| I couldn't save him

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"You'd look a lot more approachable if you smiled more."

I look at Scott.

"What if I don't want to be approached?"

"Yeah, Allison is going to hate you."

I smirk and steal a handful of his popcorn.

"I could give less of a fuck."

I grab the candy I bought from the store. I may have overindulged. I spent way too much money on just candy. I originally wasn't supposed to come over here.

I was supposed to have a nice relaxed day at home but Kat came home while I was taking care of psycho Connor and she saw Wally. She was beyond pissed and still is. He never knew about Erika which to be fair I told her on multiple occasions to tell him. He was also pissed.

He didn't leave with Dick when I caught Connor. He's been here for weeks. He didn't have anywhere to go so I offered him to stay at the house since there are extra rooms. She was also not happy about that.

I've been trying to spend as little time at the house as possible. Alina was busy with Lydia who I still even haven't met. So, I went to the store and called Scott. He and Stiles are doing a movie marathon and I invited myself.

"Hurry up."

"Tell me to hurry up again and I'm shoving my foot so far up your ass you won't be able to talk."

I plop onto the couch, dropping the candy. I hand Stiles the Swedish Fish. He snatches it out of my hands. I got it specially for him. For some odd reason he loves it.

"Grouchy today."

"Wally and Kat were practically screaming at each other this morning."

"Why didn't she tell him?" He asks. "I mean it's his kid."

"No clue. I don't even really know why they broke up. They were so in love."

I look over at him. I hate how pretty his eyes are. They're just brown. Plain. But I can't help but feel drawn to them.

"Your phones blowing up."

I look over the couch and Scott's holding up my phone.

"It's probably Kat.."

"Yes and no." He throws me my phone. "Your niece is hurt."

I look at the twenty texts from Wally. He brought Erika to the hospital. Apparently Kat stormed out after their fight and Erika started seizing.

I just off the couch and they both follow me to my car. I speed to the hospital. I try not to panic as I run in. I go to the front desk.

"My niece is here." I say. "Erika Maximoff."

"She's down the hall."

The woman brings us down the hall. Wally is pacing back and forth. He notices us and hugs me. I'm not a big hugger but given the circumstance I let him.

"What the fuck happened?"

"I-I don't know. She was fine and then she started shaking."

I look in the room to see nurses trying to hold Erika down. It looks like a seizure but it's not. I can smell the magic.

"She's not having a seizure.."

I hold my hand up and force the doctors to leave the room. Scott closes the blinds to the room while Stiles makes sure the door is locked.

Wally is hovering over my shoulder. I glare at him and he backs up.

I hold my hand up to Erika's head. Someone put a spell on her. I quickly disarm the spell and Erika is fine.

"Someone spelled her?" Wally asks. "Who would do that?"

"Are you forgetting who I am?" I ask. "My mother prepared me for this day."

"For what?"

I look at Stiles and Scott.

"War.. battle." I say. "I'm the most powerful being in the multiverse."

"I need to tell Kat."

"You tell Kat and I'm making sure you never speak again."

Wally's already on thin ice with Kat. Him lying to her about this will only make things worse.

"You tell her and she sends Erika away.. and next time I may not be quick enough to save her." I snap. "I sure as hell wasn't quick enough to save my father. I'm not making that same mistake."

"Natalia, I can't-"


His body falls to the ground. I turn around and look back at the boys.

"Don't judge me. I needed to do that."

"That's not why we look like this."

I look at them confused.

"You said you weren't quick enough to save your dad.."

I open my mouth but quickly shut it. I didn't realize I said that.


"I.. um.." I say. "I had just seen him literally twenty minutes before.."

I've never talked about it out loud. I keep my feelings bottled up inside. I didn't wanna bother even Kat about it.

"I couldn't save him." I hold back my tears. "I couldn't save either of them."

Stiles walks towards me. I look up at him and force a smile as a tear falls down my face.


I inhale and it's shaky. I almost feel like I don't deserve to breathe.

"You know my mom died and I changed. The world lost a hero but I lost my mom.. and then my dad... the world kept moving but mine stopped."

"Let it out."

I spent minutes, hours, days crying. It never helped the pain.

"I can't lose anyone else.."

He grabs my body. I give in and put my hands on his back.

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