9| Fuck.. me

45 4 2


I focus on the voice.

"Shouldn't you be at school?"

My eyes pop open and all focus is gone. I try to control my temper. I stand up and turn around.

"Shouldn't you be with your wannabe Justice League team?"

Wally looks at me and I know I shouldn't have said that. I'm just angry.

"I didn't mean that I'm just trying to get through something."

"It's fine."

I open my mouth to talk but a honk interrupts.

"Is that, that Stiles kid?"


"You like him."

I don't say anything. I do. It feels so different from my feelings for Peter. I liked Peter a lot but I knew deep down he didn't see me the same way. I feel like we only dated to appease our parents. It obviously didn't work out. I broke up with him because it felt like a waste of time. We didn't love each other. We never would.

"He offered to drive me to school."

I look at Wally's feet, blowing cool air. He tries to speed after me but his feet are frozen to the floor. I smile and run down the stairs. I walk out to the Jeep. Stiles gets out and opens the door for me.

"Such a gentleman."

I get in and he closes the door before going back to the driver side. He turns the radio on, grabbing a CD from his visor. He pops it in and Taylor Swift fills my ears.

"It's her new album." He says. "Well, semi new. I know her new one comes out sometime next year."

I look at him in disbelief. He taps his fingers on the steering wheel as the beat starts to take off.

"Are we gonna talk about it?"

"Talk about what?"

I turn to look out the window. I know what he's talking about. The kiss.

"Honestly, there's a number of things I'd like to talk about."

I look back at him.

"What's going on?" He asks. "I mean I feel like there's a deeper meaning to the Kryptonian left behind."

"It's a warning.."

He pulls into the school. He takes the key out of the ignition before looking at me.

My walls just crumble every time he looks at me. It makes me feel safe and I hate. I don't like feeling vulnerable like this. It's making me realize I probably pushed people away from me so I wouldn't feel like this.

"I killed my father's killer.. and then I went back and killed everyone that helped him on the path to killing Superman."

Killing Lex Luther was only the surface. I didn't stop there. I killed every single person at LexCorp who helped him.

"People already hate me for being something I didn't choose.. but I made it worse by starting to become what they fear I would."

"They killed your dad.."

"I was born with enemies. I inherited them." I say. "You know I'm not this great person, Stiles.. I'm actually really shitty."

He moves a piece of my hair.

"I think you're alright."

I smile and get out. We walk into the school together. Lydia turns to look at us. She nudges Allison next to her. It's safe to say my first impression with Allison wasn't great.

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