The score between us |chanmin

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Seungmin pov:

The sun was starting to set, casting a warm golden light across the park as I sat on the bench, my fingers nervously tapping against my phone. I should have been studying for my finals, but instead, I found myself distracted by the thought of him-Chan. Just the thought of his name sent a rush of warmth through me.

It was a typical Friday evening, the park bustling with laughter and chatter from friends and families. I was early, as usual. Chan always made me wait, claiming that his sense of time was more of a suggestion than an actual guideline. I smiled to myself, thinking of how we seemed to contrast in so many ways. I preferred organization, routine, and an orderly life, while Chan embraced spontaneity with a boyish charm that somehow drew me to him.

After what felt like an eternity of fidgeting, I heard the sound of footsteps approaching. My heart did an involuntary leap as I looked up to see Chan jogging toward me, his hair slightly tousled and a bright smile plastered on his face. He was wearing a faded blue hoodie and joggers, looking so effortlessly confident and genuine.

"Sorry I'm late!" he exclaimed, breathless but completely carefree. "I lost track of time trying to beat my high score in that new game."

I rolled my eyes, trying to mask my amusement. "You always do this, Chan. We were supposed to meet an hour ago."

"Okay, okay, I'll make it up to you," he pouted playfully, slipping onto the bench beside me. He leaned in, eyes glinting with mischief. "Ice cream? My treat?"

I couldn't help but laugh, feeling the tension from earlier melt away. "You know that's the way to my heart, don't you?"

With that, we made our way to the nearby ice cream stand. The sun dipped lower, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, casting a beautiful glow over the park. Chan's presence made everything feel lighter, and I found myself breathing a little easier with each step.

"What are you gonna get?" Chan asked, scanning the flavors like a kid in a candy store.

"Vanilla. It's classic, and you can't go wrong with classic," I replied, glancing over at him to see his reaction.

He tilted his head, a playful smirk on his lips. "So boring, Seungmin. You need to live a little! I'll show you the magic of mint chocolate chip!"

With my usual cautious demeanor pushed to the side, I ended up ordering a scoop of mint chocolate chip, while he got two heaping scoops of cookie dough. We walked back to the bench, ice cream in hand, and sat in comfortable silence, allowing the world around us to fade away.

As we savored our cones, I couldn't help but notice how he'd occasionally steal glances at me, his eyes sparkling with mischief and warmth. Each look made my heart race a little faster, and I was beginning to wonder if maybe, just maybe, there was something more than friendship tangled up in these ice cream outings. My mind drifted to thoughts I had tried to suppress, thoughts of what it would be like to kiss him, to feel that warmth not just beside me but against me.

"Seungmin?" His voice pulled me from my musings. I looked over to find him staring at me intently, his own ice cream cone momentarily forgotten. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," I responded, my heart shifting gears.

He hesitated, looking down at his melting ice cream. "Do you think... I mean, do you ever think about us? Like, what we are?"

The question hung in the air, heavy and beautiful. My heart pounded in my chest as I searched his gaze for clarity. "What do you mean?" I tried to sound casual, although I wasn't fooling anyone-least of all myself.

"I mean, we're always together," he continued, his voice dropping to a whisper. "And I feel like we have something special. I don't want to mess things up, but... do you ever think about us as more than friends?"

I swallowed hard, the weight of his words crashing over me like waves. He was saying the things I had feared, things I had wanted to say but never had the courage to voice. The reality that shone in his eyes dared me to leap, to admit what had been growing between us like an inevitable tide.

"I do," I finally found the strength to admit. "I think about it all the time, Chan."

His eyes widened with surprise, the corner of his mouth twitching into a smile that sent a spark through my chest. "Really? You're not just saying that because I brought you ice cream, are you?"

I chuckled lightly. "No, I promise. You can't bribe me that easily."

Chan grinned, the sun dipping below the horizon, leaving only memories of warmth in its wake. "Good to know. So, does this mean..." He trailed off, the air thick with unspoken possibilities.

I reached out, taking his hand in mine, a bold move fueled by adrenaline and hope. "I think it does."

Time seemed to freeze as we locked eyes-everything around us faded into a blur of colors and sounds, leaving just the two of us on that park bench. His grip tightened around my hand, and in that moment, I could feel the weight of everything we had faced together lift away. I didn't want to let him go, and I didn't have to.

"Then let's take a leap," Chan whispered, his voice steady.

And with the stars beginning to twinkle above us, setting the night aglow, I knew-whatever was in store for us, we would tackle it together. Maybe we weren't just Chan and Seungmin anymore. Maybe we were something so much more-something beautifully ours.

As I leaned closer, ready to close the distance between us, I realized with certainty that this was just the beginning of our story.

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