Ink and Stars |yeonbin

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Yeonjun pov:

The dimly lit corner of the school library was my refuge, a perfect escape from the chaos of my so-called life. I leaned back against the stacks, wearing my usual smirk, fingers idly tracing the tattoos peeking from beneath my sleeves. Bad boy? Yeah, that was me. Rebel without a cause, or so they called me. But I had my reasons to act this way, and I wasn't about to share them with anyone.

My gaze drifted lazily around the room until it landed on him-Soobin. He was always here, buried in a pile of books as if he were trying to decode the mysteries of the universe. The resident nerd with his oversized glasses and messy hair, a stark contrast to everything I was. He was the kid who wore his heart on his sleeve, while I wore my defiance like a second skin.

I had seen him in passing, a flicker of curiosity sparking every time our eyes met. He was not like the others. There was something about his quiet demeanor and the way he lost himself in his books that pulled me in. I found myself watching him more often than I'd care to admit.

Today, though, caught in an unexpected moment, I noticed him biting his lip as he flipped through pages, brows furrowed in concentration. I could see the outline of his skinny frame through his oversized hoodie. Something inside me stirred, a feeling so foreign yet intoxicating.

I stood up, stretching lazily and sauntered over to him. His head snapped up, those large, round eyes widening as he took me in, his cheeks flushing a delightful shade of pink.

"Hey, nerd," I said with my usual cocky tone. "What are you reading that's so interesting?"

He blinked at me, as if trying to comprehend my presence, before stuttering, "Uh, it's just-uh, some science fiction."

I leaned closer, our breaths mingling in the air. "You know, books aren't the only thing you can get lost in."

His eyes darted to my tattoos, flickering with something that looked like intrigue mixed with a hint of fear. "I-"

"Relax, Soobin." I cut him off, a smirk dancing on my lips. "I won't bite... unless you want me to."

His gulp was audible, and I couldn't help but notice the way his breath hitch at my words. The air around us thickened with tension-a delicious mix of danger and curiosity. Maybe it was the thrill of the chase, or maybe it was the way I felt while looking at him-wholesome in a too-pure-for-this-world kind of way.

"Why don't you take a break?" I suggested, motioning for him to shut the book. He hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly closed it, placing it on the table between us.

"Come on, Soobin. Let's have a little fun."

Before he could protest, I dragged him out of the library and into the empty hallways. The lights overhead buzzed softly, and the silence felt charged, alive with unsaid words.

We ended up in an empty classroom, doors locked and darkness wrapping around us. I turned on the small desk lamp, casting an orange glow that made his features look softer, more inviting.

"What do you want?" he asked, a nervous edge to his voice.

"You really want to know?" I leaned in closer, our bodies just inches apart. The air crackled with potential energy, my heart racing for reasons I didn't fully understand.

"I-" But before he could finish, I closed the gap, capturing his mouth with mine.

It was tentative at first, the press of our lips a question, an invitation. Soobin's lips tasted sweet, the hint of strawberry from whatever he had for lunch lingering in my mouth. And then, as if the universe had finally shifted into place, he melted against me, responding with a keenness that surprised us both.

His hands found their way to my hair, gripping onto me as if I were his lifeline, and I groaned into the kiss, deepening it. It felt right, exhilarating, as I pushed him back until his back hit the wall. I pulled away, needing to see his expression, his eyes wide and filled with wonder.

"See? Not so bad, right?" I murmured, my fingers brushing the side of his face.

"Yeonjun, I..." he trailed off, his breath escaping in soft hitches. "I never expected this..."

"Surprise," I grinned. "You like surprises? Because I have more."

He nodded slowly, and as if the universe was in sync, I pressed my body against his again. The heat radiating off him made my skin tingle, igniting hunger deep inside. My hands roamed, fingers brushing over his sides, feeling the way he leaned into my touch.

"Just relax, Soobin," I whispered, teasingly. "Enjoy the ride."

I captured his mouth once more, and this time I added more urgency, more desire. Each kiss sent sparks through me, and I could feel him responding, the shy boy shedding his layers with every passionate moment we shared.

"Yeonjun..." he gasped between breaths, and I relished the sound of my name escaping his lips, laced with need.

"Yeah, Soobin?" I murmured, trailing soft kisses down his neck, relishing the sweet taste of his skin.

"I... I want this. I want you," he confessed, and my heart raced at the admission.

"Good," I replied with a teasing grin, reclaiming his mouth to drown out any lingering doubts. I was going to show him that this bad boy had the ability to be something else-something more.

The world outside faded away, leaving just us, tangled in each other's warmth, lost in the depths of ink and stars.

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