Days of us |niwon

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In the heart of a bustling city, where the neon lights flickered like the stars they could never see, two boys found solace in each other's company. Ni-ki was a vibrant sixteen-year-old with an insatiable curiosity for life, his laughter contagious, and his energy boundless. Jungwon, two years older and a little more grounded, often felt like the calm to Ni-ki's storm-a steady lighthouse guiding the younger boy through the chaos of adolescence.

It was a chilly autumn afternoon, and the leaves danced whimsically in the crisp breeze. The vibrant hues of orange and red painted the park, creating the perfect backdrop for their usual hangout. Today, they chose a secluded bench beneath a sprawling tree, its branches creating a canopy that filtered the golden sunlight.

Ni-ki kicked his legs playfully, the tips of his sneakers grazing the ground as he animatedly recounted a story from school. "And then I told him, 'You can't just steal my fries!' It was hilarious, Jungwon! I swear the whole cafeteria was watching!"

Jungwon chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners, enjoying the way Ni-ki's expressive hands punctuated every word. "You have a talent for drama, you know that?" he teased, ruffling Ni-ki's hair affectionately.

"Stop it!" Ni-ki laughed, swatting Jungwon's hand away. "You're just jealous I'm more interesting than you!"

"More interesting? Or more chaotic?" Jungwon smirked, leaning back on the bench and crossing his arms. The teasing glimmer in his eyes made Ni-ki's heart flutter in a way he didn't quite understand.

"Both, obviously!" Ni-ki claimed, puffing up his chest in a mock display of confidence. But then, with a sudden shift in his demeanor, he leaned in closer to Jungwon. "Hey... do you ever think about the future?"

Jungwon's smile faltered slightly, the playfulness of the moment dissolving into something more serious. "Sometimes," he admitted, glancing towards the ground, as if the leaves held the answers. "Why?"

"Because..." Ni-ki hesitated, the weight of the question hanging between them. "Because I don't want things to change. You know? I want... I want you to always be here." His voice trailed off, vulnerability spilling from his heart.

Jungwon turned to face him, their eyes meeting with a gravity that silenced the world around them. "Ni-ki..." He swallowed hard, his mind racing with thoughts. Could he say what he wanted? What he felt? "I care about you. A lot."

"Like-like friends?" Ni-ki questioned, though his hopeful gaze conveyed something deeper, something yearned for.

"More than that," Jungwon confessed, his heart pounding. "You make me want to be a better person. You bring joy to my life in ways I didn't know I needed." In that moment, he couldn't fight the urge any longer. He leaned in, gently cupping Ni-ki's face, his thumb tracing the boy's cheek. "I've thought... maybe we could be more. If you wanted."

Ni-ki's breath hitched, the world whirling around him. "You mean-like, together?"

Jungwon nodded, his heart racing. "I know it's a lot. You're younger, and I don't want to pressure you, but I can't help how I feel."

Ni-ki's face lit up, a fierce blush blooming across his cheeks, yet his eyes sparkled with determination. "I want that. I really do! You're more than just my friend, Jungwon. You're... you're everything."

With a sigh of relief mixed with exhilaration, Jungwon leaned closer. The distance that had once seemed so insurmountable melted away into something magical. He closed the gap, pressing his lips against Ni-ki's in a gentle kiss-soft, tentative, yet electrifying all at once.

Ni-ki melted into the kiss, feeling warmth spread through him, as if the sun had suddenly emerged from behind the clouds. This was what he had wanted, what he had yearned for, and it felt right-so beautifully, perfectly right.

As they pulled away, both breathless and beaming, Ni-ki couldn't help but laugh, the sound echoing in the stillness of the park. "I can't believe we just did that!"

Jungwon chuckled softly, his heart swelling with happiness. "Neither can I, but I'm glad we did."

Looking at each other, hearts racing in unison, they both knew that whatever came next, they would face it together. Under the canopy of leaves, with the world fading into the background, it was just the two of them-Ni-ki and Jungwon, embarking on a new adventure called 'us'.

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