stepbrothers |yeongyu

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Beomgyu pov:

Life is funny sometimes, isn't it? One moment, you're lounging on the couch playing video games in your own cozy little world, and the next, you're sharing that space with a stranger who's become your stepbrother. Yeonjun. Just the sound of his name sends a shiver through me-a mix of embarrassment and something else I'm not quite ready to acknowledge.

It all started last summer when our parents decided to tie the knot. I remember the awkward family dinner where we barely spoke a word. I couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider in my own home. I guess you could say that I had always been the outgoing type, and here was Yeonjun-cool, collected, and way too handsome for my own good.

"Beomgyu, can you pass me that remote?" Yeonjun calls from the other end of the couch, snapping me back to reality.

I look up from my phone, where I had been desperately trying to pretend I wasn't staring at him. He's lounging in a way that somehow highlights both his casualness and allure. A black t-shirt clings to his toned frame, and his hair falls perfectly over his forehead, those kind eyes sparkling with mischief. I can't help but feel my heart race.

"Yeah, sure!" I reply, tossing the remote toward him with a little too much enthusiasm. It fumbles, landing a bit too close to his feet.

"Nice throw," he smirks, picking it up with a teasing gleam in his eyes. "You're really good at this whole 'stepbrother' thing."

I can feel my cheeks warming up, and I huff in mock annoyance, trying to keep my cool. "Well, maybe if you weren't so lazy, you could have just gotten up and grabbed it yourself."

He chuckles, a delightful sound that makes my heart skip a beat. "Fair point," he admits. "But I prefer to let my charming stepbrother do the heavy lifting."

"Charming?" I raise an eyebrow, unable to suppress my grin. "You must be talking about someone else."

"Please, we both know I'm the charming one here," he winks, and I'm a little thankful that the room is dimly lit, hiding the deep blush creeping up my cheeks.

As the night wears on, we settle into a comfortable rhythm. Yeonjun flips through TV shows, and we banter back and forth about what to watch. He's surprisingly competitive when it comes to picking movies, and I love it. It feels like we're not just stepbrothers; we're teammates in our little war of preferences.

"Okay, last game. If I win, we watch my choice!" he declares, a mischievous light dancing in his eyes.

"Deal! But if I win, we're watching that documentary I told you about."

He shakes his head. "Documentaries are boring, Beomgyu."

Just then, the doorbell rings. I groan, glancing at the clock. "Who the heck is at our door at this hour?"

"I'll get it," Yeonjun says, rising from the couch with a nonchalant attitude that should annoy me but only makes my heart flutter more.

I watch as he strolls to the door, standing tall and effortlessly cool. The way his shirt pulls slightly as he moves is almost distracting, but I shake my head. Focus, Beomgyu!

When Yeonjun opens the door, I catch a glimpse of the delivery person handing him a box of pizza. "Oh, it's pizza!" he exclaims, grinning from ear to ear.

"You ordered pizza without me?" I accuse playfully, feigning betrayal.

"Did you really think I'd let you pick the toppings?" he shoots back, a laugh escaping his lips. "This is extreme pizza 101, my friend."

"Extreme pizza? Is that even a thing?" I ask, genuinely curious.

Yeonjun opens the box, revealing a mountain of toppings piled high on a delicious, cheesy base. "It is now!"

I can't resist the temptation and move to sit beside him on the couch, eyes sparkling at the sight of the food. We dig into the pizza, bites bringing us into a wonderful silence filled only with the sound of chewing and the occasional laughter over the ridiculous toppings.

After the pizza is devoured, we lean back, our bodies comfortably close. I allow myself a moment to peek sideways at Yeonjun. There's ease in the way he smiles when he talks, his eyes crinkling at the corners, and I find myself captivated.

"You know, I didn't expect this to be so fun," I admit, feeling a blush creeping up once more.

"Neither did I," he admits softly, glancing sideways. "But I'm glad we get along."

"Me too," I say, caught in his gaze. "You know, for a stepbrother, you make a pretty good friend."

He grins, his head tilting slightly. "Is that all I am?"

In that moment, my heart races again. The air feels electric, our proximity, the intimacy of the moment-everything feels perfect. I want to say more, something deeper, something that pushes the boundaries of what it means to be stepbrothers. But I hesitate. What if I ruin this?

"I-" I stammer, and then his hand brushes against mine, fingers intertwining naturally. The sparks between us ignite further.

"Hey, it's okay," he reassures, squeezing my hand gently. "Whatever you're thinking, just say it."

I take a breath, my pulse quickening. "You're not just my stepbrother, Yeonjun. You''re important to me. More than that."

His eyes soften, searching mine. "Me too, Beomgyu. You have no idea how much you mean to me."

And just like that, the unspoken words hung in the warm air between us. We share a smile that says everything we've left unvoiced.

As the twilight deepens outside and the glow of the TV flickers around us, I realize that we're not just stepbrothers anymore. We're so much more, and for that, I can't help but feel grateful.

We lean closer, and in that moment, I know it's just the beginning of something truly special.

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