The Sound of Rain |minsung

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Setting: A small, cozy apartment in Seoul, during a rainy afternoon.

The rhythmic sound of raindrops tapping against the window filled the small apartment, creating a symphony of tranquility. Jisung curled up in his oversized hoodie, his head resting against a pile of books spread across his coffee table. The late afternoon light filtered through the clouds, casting a gentle glow that made the room feel warm and inviting.

Despite the weather outside, Jisung felt a wave of contentment wash over him. He had been looking forward to this quiet day all week, a day free from the pressures of school and the noise of city life. He loved nothing more than to lose himself in a good book with a cup of tea beside him. But today was different; today, he was waiting for Minho.

Minho, his best friend, had a knack for turning even the most mundane days into adventures, and Jisung had developed a soft spot for more than just his companionship. The butterflies in his stomach had fluttered more than once, especially when Minho would tease him or flash that signature smile, the one that could light up the gloomiest of days.

Jisung's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of keys jingling at the door. He bolted upright, brushing strands of hair from his forehead, and threw his book aside as he rushed to open the door.

"Hey!" Minho beamed at him, his clothes slightly damp from the rain. He held a large umbrella in one hand and a paper bag filled with steaming hot buns in the other. "I brought snacks!"

"Minho, you're soaking wet!" Jisung exclaimed, stepping aside to let him in. He couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Minho's tousled hair and the droplets clinging to his lashes. "You should've waited. It's coming down hard out there."

Minho shrugged, flashing a mischievous smile. "I couldn't let you stay home all day by yourself. This weather is perfect for hanging out, don't you think?"

"Perfect for reading," Jisung countered, but he couldn't keep the smile from spreading across his face. His heart raced as he watched Minho shake off the umbrella, water splattering onto the floor.

As Minho settled on the couch, Jisung joined him. They opened the paper bag, the delicious aroma of steamed buns filling the air. "You know, you could've worn a raincoat," Jisung said, trying to sound reproachful but failing miserably.

"Where's the fun in that?" Minho replied, taking a big bite of a bun. "Besides, I like the rain. It's soothing, sort of like... you." He flicked his gaze towards Jisung, his eyes playful but serious, and Jisung felt his breath catch.

"Me?" Jisung echoed, heat creeping up his cheeks.

"Yeah. You're like the calm before the storm. All peaceful and sweet." Minho reached out, playfully poking Jisung in the side. "And then when I'm around..." He paused dramatically as Jisung squirmed away. "You're a total mess."

"Hey!" Jisung protested, laughing. He turned serious, his heart thumping harder. "You actually think that?"

"I know that," Minho said, leaning closer, the warmth of his body radiating against Jisung's side. The distance between them felt electric, and Jisung's heart raced, unsure of what to do next.

"You always manage to make everything fun," Jisung admitted, glancing down. "Even this awful weather."

"I'm just being me." Minho brushed Jisung's hair back from his forehead, his fingers lingering a moment longer than necessary. Jisung's breath hitched at the gesture, warmth flooding through him. "And you're just you. That's what makes us work, right?"

Jisung took a deep breath, feeling bold. "You know... I've been thinking." He paused, searching for the right words. "About us."

Minho's expression softened. "Yeah? Me too."

"Really?" Jisung's heart raced, the sheer possibility of it made him dizzy.

"Yeah." Minho's smile faded slightly, sincerity taking its place. "I've been trying to figure out how to tell you that I... I like you, Jisung. Not just as a friend."

Jisung's eyes widened. A warm rush of joy enveloped him, and he couldn't help but grin. "I like you too, Minho. I thought..."

"Thought what?" Minho leaned closer, their faces inches apart.

"Thought I was the only one," Jisung admitted, his voice barely a whisper.

Minho's gaze intensified. "Not a chance. Now can I do something about it?"

Jisung nodded, feeling lightheaded but exhilarated at the same time. Minho moved in slowly, their lips meeting, and Jisung melted into the kiss, the world outside fading into nothing. The rain continued to fall, but inside, everything was warm and perfect.

When they broke apart, Minho chuckled softly, brushing a thumb against Jisung's cheek. "See? Not so bad, right?"

"Definitely not so bad," Jisung said, a silly smile spreading across his face. "You really should get wet more often."

Minho laughed, leaning back against the couch, a happy glint in his eyes. "Only if it means I can share moments like this with you."

As they settled back into their comfortable space, the rain outside only increased, but inside, the air was filled with laughter, warmth, and the exciting promise of new beginnings.


Okayyy, not as bad as I thought I guess :)

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