Void (Billy Hargrove X Female Reader)

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⚠️Angst/resentment/Some Smut/Addiction/Death/Drugs⚠️


As they lowered your boyfriend into the ground, the beautiful earth. You wondered how long it would take for the maggots to get to him, to feast on his flesh and burry themselves inside his poisoned unhealthy flesh.

Would they get drunk? Billy drank so much it probably was in his hair follicles and underneath his finger nails.

"He was a good boy" you heard Susan, Billy's stepmother whisper from beside you and you looked down seeing her pale aged hand caress your outer forearm and you looked up to lock eyes with hers.

You nodded, not wanting to respond to that. The truth was, he was good until he wasn't. You met him at a time in his life where he was a spiraling. Billy's father, Neil Hargrove had just passed away and he did not know how to process grief or pretty much any intense hard feeling.

So he turned to drinking and other things, when you first met you thought he was fun and just partied a lot but boy were you wrong.

He was trying to forget.

"Babe what are you doing back there?" You whispered loudly so he could hear you over the bumping of the club music.
"Stay still will ya?" Billy snapped and you look straight ahead while bracing both hands on the bathroom wall, you could feel the reverberation from the music underneath your fingers. Suddenly, you felt a cooling sensation on your tail bone and with following that, your skirt with your panties were being yanked down to the bathroom floor to lay around your heels.

You looked down around your ankles and could see a tiny baggy behind your foot on the sticky tile which made you wonder and once you figured it out, your stomach turned.

"Billy..." you whispered turning around to look at Billy. His pupils were blown and he was wiping his nose while sniffling loudly.
"Fuck that was good" he slurred.

Without warning, he was gripping your hips and shoving himself inside of you from behind, causing you to stagger forward and turn around to face the wall. You braced your hands on the grimed bathroom wall as he slide in and out of you.

"Fuck god fucking damn it, Y/N you know how much I love this tight pussy" Billy rasped from behind you while cracking his hand across your ass causing you to jolt. The coolness of the bathroom, your exposed backside to the room it was all too much but you loved it.

"Say it, tell me how much you love my cock" Billy shouted and you knew for sure others could hear from outside the private bathroom. He reached down and grabbed a handful of your hair yanking you. "Say it, tell me how much you need it" he seethed.

You felt arousal sweep over you, parts of you loved when he got this way but knowing how drunk and coked out he was, you felt unease.

"I want your cock" you whispered and he groaned in response and reached over your body and around, sliding his hands up your stomach to grope your breasts.

"You're a fucking whore for it" he spat causing you to whimper. Sounds of muffled club music and sex filled the small bathroom and he continued to pound into you, to the point where particles from the bathroom wall were dug underneath your finger nails from bracing yourself.

As he continued he leaned down by your ear whispering while pounding into you "tell me you love me"
You shuddered at the rawness, the sudden change of his tone and when you didn't answer in time he pulled your hair cranking your neck, his lips ghosted against your flesh sending goosebumps down your neck.

"Fucking tell me"
"I love you" you managed to get out, glancing sideways to see his expression.

"I love you" Billy whispered and within seconds he came inside of you, trembling against your body as he climaxed.

"I need to go meet someone, I'll meet you by the bar" he said and with that, left you alone in the bathroom. Leaving you to pick yourself back up.

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