Trailer Trash - Mungrove

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⚠️Porn with plot-slow burn/fluff/smut⚠️


I rushed to my bedroom window to peep out of it because there was a loud rumbling and to my surprise it was Billy Hargrove in his Blue Camaro.

What's he doing back here? I thought he went to California for good.

"Fucking great just lovely, I had to deal with him in high school and now as an adult" I said out loud and being the nosey fucker that I am. I walked out of my bedroom and grabbed my carton of cigarettes slamming one into my mouth with putting the rest in my back pocket and headed out to the front porch to investigate.

It was early Fall, so being in just a T shirt and jeans was cooling on my skin, air was crisp.

Billy was carrying a box towards the trailer and he must've heard the front door of my trailer shut because he turned around, eyes squinting in my direction. He stared for a while probably trying to make out who I was before dropping the box on the hood of his car.

"What the fuck" I muttered under my breath while exhaling my smoke because Billy was facing me and flipped me the bird from afar then went back to what he was doing like it was nothing.

WOW, he didn't change at all.

"Asshole!" I shouted from across the way, leaning against the porch railing with a cigarette pressed between my two fingers smiling like a cat.

But Billy piled inside his trailer leaving me out there alone.

"What a fucking prick" I whispered and went back into my own trailer.


The next night, I was having a bon fire outside my trailer with Uncle Wayne when Billy pulled up in his Camaro with Max in the back seat.

"You're such a fucking asshole Billy, I don't get why you had to say that" Max said as she got out of the car, slamming the door.
"Don't slam my door, shit bird now you wanna pay for damages?"
"Pay for this" Max seethed and spat at Billy's shoes.

I watched from afar with Uncle Wayne as Billy chased her inside and as he was about to go inside, the front door slammed on his face. Deep down, I knew Max from High School I knew they never got along. Who could blame her? He was rough and an egotistical prick.

But behind every egotistical prick, there's something deeper, hidden. In order to change them, you have to break them.

"What you looking at asshole?" I looked up as I heard gravel kicking up and I looked through the fire to see Billy marching across the road towards us. As he approached, all angry with broad shoulders up and nose flared my Uncle Wayne stood up from his half broken camping chair.

"Hey boy, don't be taking it out on us"

I looked between my uncle and Billy, god, was he a fucking force prowling over here disturbing our fire. Wouldn't want anything to happen to Uncle Wayne though, I better stop this.

"Hey Billy" I said calmly.
"What?" Billy snapped.

I stood up and stood near my uncle, whispering to him letting him know he should go inside. As I spoke, my eyes kept darting to Billy, the light from the fire illuminating his whole body casting a glow.

"Goodnight fellas, Eddie I'll be gone tomorrow don't be up too late" Uncle Wayne said and dismissed himself, heading back into the trailer and I rolled my eyes.

Silence fell between me and Billy and I was shocked, he broke first. "Still selling weed?"
"Is that all I am to you? A drug dealer" I joked.

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