-Meanwhile in Smot-

Glamour left to meet Glaze. "A carnival? Really?" She asked him. "What? It's not like you had to pay. Besides, no one comes here anymore. So no one can bother us." Glaze said. "Yeah that's totally why you picked this place." Glam rolled her eyes. "Will you shut up and sit down." Glaze pointed to the bench. "I'll do what I want, and right now, I'm gonna get a funnel cake." Glamour walked away and Glaze groaned. They finally sat down after Glamour got her food and Glaze bought a caramel apple. "Why would you get that? Those things are sticky, messy, sugary, and nearly impossible to eat!" Glam said. "So is yours." Glaze huffed. "Oh really? Take a bite then." She smirked. He huffed and sunk his teeth into the apple. Glamour smiled as she heard the loud crack of the solid caramel and then saw Glaze pull away in pain. "Ah!" He held his jaw. "Told you." Glam smirked. He sighed and shook his head. 

"Can we just get back on topic?" He asked. "Sure. How do we warn the princess what she's getting into?" Glam asked. "I might actually have a way. I was watching the boys at practice when I bumped into this guy. He was a spit, and he invited me and the boys to this party he and his brothers are throwing. Everyone in Skip goes to those parties, which means the princess will be there. We can talk to her there." He said. "That would be great, except one problem. Sydney will never let me go to a party by myself. Do you know hard it was to sneak out today?" She asked. "Invite them all to go with you. Apparently this invite is being extended to all of us Smots. So you girls were bound to get it at some point." He said. "I guess. We'd have to be careful. If Sydney sees us talking to her..." Glam led on. "Ha! If Skylar saw us... or god forbid Slush! We'd need to be very careful indeed." Glaze agreed. "How can we distract them?" Glam asked. "I don't know. We have no idea what these parties look like. We'd have to be ready for anything and everything." Glaze said. Glamour nodded in agreement. "Ok. Keep me updated on this party thing." she said. "You're leaving already?" He asked. "Yeah. Why? You didn't think this was a date, did you?" She smirked. "What? No. I just... I already paid for you. You could at least ride something first." He said nervously. "Right. Uh huh. You're a horrible liar. Come on." She waved him over to her as she walked away. He stood up and quickly ran after her. 

-Also at the Carnival-

Fluffy and Ramsey were on their own date, long before Glaze and Glamour had gotten there. "Are they gone?" Ramsey asked. "Yeah. They went in the mirror maze. That should distract them for a bit." Fluffy assured him. "Thank the gods. I can't hide that well." Ramsey said. Fluffy sighed and looked down sadly. "I feel so bad for you. This must be so hard. Going back and forth. Putting your life on the line all the time for me. It makes me feel so guilty." She told him. "Oh sweetheart, don't you worry about anything. Coming over here is worth it, just to see your beautiful smile." He said. She blushed and smiled. "Stop flattering me." She pushed his shoulder playfully. "Never." He hugged her and spun her around, making her giggle. He put her down and they kissed while they laughed together. "I wish I could come over to your side one of these days, I could never explain it to my dad." She said. "Well... maybe you can! Some of my buddies are throwing a party and extending the invite to Smots. Your dad would surely let you go to a party right? He'd never have to know it was actually in Skip." Ramsey said. "You're right! And then I could finally meet your sisters." Fluffy smiled. "Yeah! Sounds good to me." Ramsey agreed. "Fluffy!" They heard. They immediately recognized the voice and Ramsey took off running. "See you at school babe!" He said. Fluffy laughed as he ran away. "There you are!" A man walked to her. "Hi dad." She smiled. Cecil, her dad, looked her up and down. "I called you an hour ago. Time to go. Come on." He took her hand and dragged her away. "Yes dad." She sighed. 

-At the Gym-

Frost was stuck. He thought he might be able to bench more than usual, but he could hardly do the bar. So, with the weights that he had added, he was now trapped and struggling to lift the bar back onto the bench. He squiggled and squirmed as he whined in pain. Luckily, someone saw him and ran over to grab the bar. She easily took the bar from his hands and put it back. "Woah! Are you ok?" She walked around so he could see her. Frost sat up and took a deep breath. "Yeah. I would have gotten it eventually." He lied. "Sure you would've" The girl laughed. Frost looked up at her and his eyes widened. "Dreamer!? How did you pick that up?" He asked, stunned. Dreamer smiled and rolled her eyes. "I'm here all the time. I'm not just a dumb blonde you know." She smirked. Frost smiled. "I'm sorry. I just didn't think you'd be so strong." He was impressed. Dreamer shrugged. "I like working out. Plus, I kinda have to stay in shape for softball." She said. "You play a sport?" Frost asked. Dreamer nodded. He smiled at her. "Damn. I wish I could have your strength. It just seems that no matter what I do, I can't get stronger." He looked down. "So? I've seen you run. You've got the speed to make up for it. Maybe you'd be better suited for track." Dreamer said. Frost shook his head. "I don't just wanna run though. I like the thrill of the game! I wanna be in the moment, playing the game. Not running a race." He said. "Oh! Well in that case, try baseball." Dreamer suggested. "What? But I can't throw or catch a ball." He said. Dreamer shrugged. "Can you hit one? With a bat?" She asked. Frost shrugged. "I don't know." He said. "Then give it a shot. What do you have to lose?" She asked. "Well, I can guarantee that Skylar would kick my ass if I left football." He said. "Baseball isn't until spring! You have plenty of time." Dreamer smiled. Frost looked to the side. "I don't know Dreamer." He said nervously. She held out her hand to him and he looked up at her. "I believe in you Frost. I know you can do this." She encouraged him. His eyes widened and he took her hand. She pulled him up. "Come on. I help you practice." She smiled. Frost smiled and nodded. "Ok." He followed her. 

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