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"i feel like it'd kinda be more of a thing like.. he'd kinda be like- i think he'd flirt with you," chris somehow got out, struggling to put his thoughts into words. "if you order exactly what he is."

the triplets were currently filming a car video in their garage, mainly because it was so late and they had gotten a flat tire earlier that day. the car was on the spare tire, but they didn't feel like driving on it, especially since matt already had when taking milani out to dinner.

the three of them were currently talking about car wash workers holding arrow signs and spinning them, and segwayed into workers being dressed up as characters. now talking about walking into a dunkin' donuts and putting in an order with a worker dressed as a strawberry frosted donut.

"like.. i want a strawberry frosted donut and he'd be like... like he'd kinda size you up," chris smirked, looking nick up and down trying to play out the scene.

"gimmie three hours.. i'm off of work in a bit," nick continued.

matt and chris started laughing, covering their faces in disbelief of what was just said. it took them a few minutes to calm down, but once they did, matt went back to the spinning arrow signs.

"i don't get the whole like.. flag- arrow spinning--"

nick interrupted, "cause it's like, where am i going?!"

"correct," matt laughed. "correct."

"down? up? flying upside down??" nick threw his hands up in the air, but then gasped as he came to a realization. "maybe those are the parallels to the alternate universes."


"you don't know where to go.. we're pointing at universes around.."

"nick no," matt disagreed.

"well i feel like-" chris was about to add on, but nick slapped him with his jaw dropped, realizing he might've done something.

"i just cracked the fucking code."

chris slapped him back, finally getting the chance to speak, "i think they spin it around.. and it just aims continuously at the place and the majority this way because-"

"wrong," nick interrupted.

"it would just look ridiculous. it would ridiculous if they just kept pointing it to the left or like shaking it. you know what i mean? they gotta give it a twirl."

matt ignored chris's explanation completely, "they could just put it on a post and leave."

"no!" chris yelled. "cause their whole entertainment is there's like.. a ton of movement. just to make the sign more like whoaaa there's something going on!"

both nick and matt tried to cut in to tell him he's wrong, but chris kept going with his antics.

"like shake it, spin it. it's like bop it, shake it, spin it, twist it.. throw it in the air. go order a burger."

matt and nick both looked in the rear view mirror at each other, sharing confused looks at chris's words. nevertheless, they let him continue speaking.

"imagine if there's a guy standing right next to a sign that says car wash this way.. and he holds like a smoke nade, throws it at his feet, smoke and then he's gone."

chris looked back at nick, proud of the idea he came up with.

"that would be very..." nick struggled to find the right words. "that would be very false advertisement."

"how?" chris asked as if that was a stupid thing to say.

"how are you gonna get to the car wash?"

"no, it's just an arrow," chris explained. "like it's not advertising that you're also like gonna smoke in-"

"no cause if i saw someone disappear via magic, i want to as well," nick claimed.

all while nick and chris were having this sudden conversation about magic and car washes, matt's phone kept buzzing in his lap. he ignored it at first, but eventually looked at it since his brothers weren't making any sense to him.

he smiled to himself noticing that milani had sent him a few texts. specifically about how she was worried they wouldn't be able to go back to the mexican restaurant they were at earlier that night. he sent her a few texts back, assuring her they'd be able to go back whenever.

matt continued texting her back, but soon was attacked by both nick and chris for not paying attention.

"matt, put the phone down. we're talking about magic," chris said, trying to hit his phone out of his hands.

before chris touched his phone, matt pulled away and turned it off, "chill out, milani was texting. she says hi."

chris got all giddy, "oooh about your date?"

"chris shut the fuck up," nick said calmly. "now i need to edit that out."


ok on a real note
they better let us back
i can't go without my fav
mexican restaurant for the
rest of my life
we didn't cause that much of
a scene did we?
okay wait i'm sorry i'm like
spamming you right now and
it's late

no no you're fine
we'll be able to go back don't
we're filming a car video right
chris and nick are talking about
disappearing magic or some shit

oh ??

i honestly have no clue
we were talking about those
people who stand outside with
an arrow and spin it around and
they suddenly got to magic

those people are stupid
just leave the sign out and
leave no?

that's literally what i said
they didn't agree with me

matt you're so boring!!
mr tough guy

okay milani.

i'm messing with you

better be
okay they're getting upset with me

go finish your video
and tell them i said hi

yes ma'am


𝐇𝐔𝐑𝐓 𝐌𝐘 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 , 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨.Where stories live. Discover now