Chapter four- castlecoming plans

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    *Bridget stands up, smoothing down her skirt nervously.* "I should head to bed, but I'll see you tomorrow after classes," *she says, offering Hook a warm smile.*

*Hook rises from the bed, a roguish grin spreading across his face as he opens the door for her.* "It's a date, then," *he says with a wink, his voice dripping with flirtation.*

*Bridget feels her cheeks flush at his words, her heart fluttering in her chest.* *"He's just joking," she thinks to herself as she steps out into the hall, trying in vain to calm the butterflies in her stomach.* "Right...he likes someone else," *she murmurs under her breath, forcing a smile as she makes her way back to her dorm.*

*Once Bridget has gone, Hook closes the door behind her, his gaze immediately falling upon the tin of cookies she'd left behind. A sly smile tugs at the corners of his lips as he walks over and lifts the lid, popping one of the treats into his mouth.* *"Delicious," he murmurs, savoring the flavor. But even as he enjoys the cookies, a twinge of guilt tugs at his conscience.* "Uliana would be so disappointed in me," *he thinks, shaking his head.* *He knows he needs to stay focused on his revenge plan, not get distracted by this sweet, innocent girl. But as he polishes off the rest of the cookies, he can't help but wonder how he might be able to win Bridget's heart, just so he can shatter it.*


    *Bridget hums a cheerful tune as she finishes dressing, admiring her soft pink ensemble in the mirror. The light fabric of her shirt and skirt flows gracefully as she moves, and the heart-shaped jewelry she's chosen adds a touch of whimsy to her look. Satisfied with her appearance, she turns towards the door as a knock echoes through her room.*

*Bridget's face lights up with delight as she pulls open the door.* "Ella!" *she exclaims, wrapping her dear friend in a warm embrace.* "You won't believe what happened!" *Bridget gushes, her words tumbling out in an excited rush as she recounts her encounter with Hook the previous evening.*

*Ella listens intently, her brow furrowing with concern.* "Bridget, this seems fishy. Please, be careful," *she cautions, her protective instincts kicking in.*

*Bridget places a reassuring hand on Ella's arm.* "It's fine, I really believe James Hook isn't as bad as he seems," *she insists, her unwavering faith in the notorious pirate captain shining through.*

*Ella purses her lips, unconvinced, but knows better than to argue with Bridget's eternal optimism.* "Well, since we're on the topic of important matters," *Bridget says, her eyes sparkling with excitement,* "are you going to the Castlecoming dance with Charming? I see the way you two look at each other, and he's practically asked you already!"

*Ella's cheeks flush with color as she tries to play it cool.* "No, I hate those kinds of things, and he's royalty. Him and I wouldn't mix well," *she says, her voice betraying a hint of wistfulness.*

*Bridget regards her friend with a knowing smile, sensing the truth beneath Ella's nonchalant facade.* "Oh, Ella," *she says affectionately, pulling her into another hug.* "You deserve all the happiness in the world, my dear. Don't be afraid to take a chance, even if it scares you."

*Ella returns the embrace

* But Bridget's face falls slightly, a hint of wistfulness in her voice.* "But I do wish someone wanted to go with me to the dance. At least you were asked."

*Ella's expression softens as she observes her dear friend's longing.* "Then come with me," *she says, a warm smile spreading across her face.* "We'll go together."

*Bridget's eyes widen in surprise.* "But you just said it's not your thing?" *she asks, her voice tinged with disbelief.*

*Ella nods, her smile unwavering.* "Yes, I did. But you want to go, and maybe you'll make the dance a lot better and bearable for me," *she explains, reaching out to give Bridget's hand a gentle squeeze.* "Besides, I wouldn't want you to miss out on the fun just because I'm a bit of a wallflower."

*Bridget's face lights up with joy, and she pulls Ella into a tight hug.* "Oh, Ella, you're the best friend I could ever ask for!" *she exclaims, her heart overflowing with gratitude and affection.*

*Ella returns the embrace, her own heart swelling with fondness for Bridget's boundless enthusiasm and kindness.* "Now, let's get to class before we're late," *she says, ushering Bridget out the door, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.* "Who knows, maybe you'll even catch the eye of a certain dashing pirate captain at the dance." *Ella says deciding to stop being guarded about hook because Bridget seems happy*

*Bridget blushes at the suggestion,

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