Chapter 7-will you be my date to the dance?

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Hook's POV:

As I made my way back to my room, my mind was in turmoil. The warmth I'd felt in Bridget's company was both exhilarating and deeply unsettling. I shouldn't be feeling this way - I'm a villain, dammit, and I'm supposed to be using her, not... caring for her.

Yet, the more time I spent with Bridget, the more I found myself drawn to her genuine kindness and unwavering spirit. The way she said my name, her voice soft and sweet, sent a shiver down my spine. It was a feeling I'd never experienced before, and it threatened to undermine everything I'd set out to accomplish.

Uliana would be furious if she knew the thoughts swirling in my mind. I was supposed to be heartless, a merciless villain intent on revenge. But as I replayed the memory of Bridget's radiant smile, I couldn't help but wonder if I had the resolve to continue with my scheme.

Perhaps I could have one night of happiness with her, before... No, I couldn't bear the thought of betraying her trust. The very idea of hurting her filled me with a unexpected pang of guilt. I've never felt this way about anyone before, and it's both thrilling and terrifying.

I need to get a grip on these emotions, to push them down and focus on the task at hand. But as I lie here, the image of Bridget haunting my thoughts, I can't ignore the growing realization that my carefully laid plans may be unraveling, all because of this infuriating, bewitching woman.

Bridget's POV:

As I stepped into my room, I couldn't stop thinking about James. There was something about him that drew me in, despite my better judgment. His roguish charm, his playful banter - it all seemed to set my heart fluttering in a way I'd never experienced before.

I know I should be wary of him, that he's a villain with his own agenda. But when I'm with him, it's as if the rest of the world fades away. His full attention on me, his eyes sparkling with mischief, makes me feel seen in a way I've never felt before.

I can't help wondering what's going on behind that handsome facade of his. There's a vulnerability, a hint of something deeper, that I catch glimpses of when our eyes meet. It makes me want to know him better, to uncover the man beneath the villain.

As I fiddle with the heart-shaped necklace, I can't help but replay the moment we shared at my door. The reluctance in his gaze, the way he seemed hesitant to leave my company - it gives me hope that perhaps I'm not the only one feeling this undeniable connection.

I know I should be cautious, that getting involved with James Hook could only lead to heartbreak. But something about him has me captivated, and I find myself longing for another moment in his presence, another chance to glimpse the man behind the villain.


A couple days later

*Hook paced his room, running a hand through his dark hair in frustration. The image of Bridget's warm smile was seared into his mind, tormenting him. He cursed under his breath, knowing he was dangerously close to jeopardizing everything he had worked for.* *He had to earn his villian reputation and he worked hard to stay in Iliana's good graces*

A sharp knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. Straightening his waistcoat, Hook opened it to find Uliana, her icy gaze piercing him.

"It's time, Hook," she said, her tone brooking no argument. "The plan is in motion, and you know what you must do."

*Hook nodded, his jaw set. "Of course." But as he left to do the next step of the plan he felt conflicted*

*Meanwhile, Bridget sat at her vanity, absentmindedly brushing her hair as she mulled over her encounters with James. There was an undeniable pull between them, a connection that felt both thrilling and terrifying*.

*A knock at the door startled her, and she opened it to find James himself, a hint of nervousness in his usually confident demeanor.*

*"Bridget," he began, clearing his throat. "I've been... thinking about you. And I was wondering if you'd do me the honor of accompanying me to the upcoming dance."*

Bridget's eyes widened in surprise, her heart racing. "The dance? Oh you like me? -" *She says blushing surprised and also relieved*

*"Please," Hook interrupted, stepping closer. "I'd very much like to spend the evening with you."*

*Bridget searched his face, torn between her growing feelings and as she gazed into his eyes, she found herself unable to refuse.*

*"I'd love to," she breathed, a smile spreading across her face.*

*Hook's expression shifted, a shadow of guilt flickering across his features before he schooled it into a charming grin. "Wonderful. I'll be sure to make it an evening you won't forget."*

*As Bridget closed the door, Hook's smile faded. He ran a hand over his face, his resolve wavering. "What am I doing?" he murmured, the weight of his deception pressing heavily upon him*.

*Hook's invitation to Bridget had thrown a wrench into his carefully laid plans, and now he found himself torn between his villainous goals and the growing attachment he felt towards the girl he was meant to betray. They had one week until the dance. One last week before he breaks her heart and maybe even a bit of his*

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